Chapter 24; Palantir and Gondor

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The Return of the King; Disc 1 and my Imagination

Dedication to rachelleahdavis for being honest.

Chapter 24; Palantir and Gondor

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"What are you doing?" Asked the tired voice of Merry. Aaron slit her eyes slightly and looked at the Hobbit. He was still lying down looking at the other Hobbit, walking somewhere. Pippin turned on his heels and looked at Merry before shaking his head. He then walked behind a wall making Aaron unable to see him, but she could see Merry. His facial expressions showed something of what was going on. "Pippin!" He slowly started to sit up fully and wide awake. "Pippin?" His eyes showed fear and almost concern. "Pippin." Pippin now came into view. He was holding a grey blanket but as he sat down the blanket fell away and there was the orb. Aaron felt the pull of evil toward it but didn't do anything. As far as the Hobbits knew she was still asleep. "What, are you mad?"

"I just want to look at it." Pippin finally said. "Just one more time." Sweat seemed to be building up on Pippin's face.

"Put it back." Merry said sternly. A smile crossed Pippin's face as he stared at it. He reached out his hands and placed them on the orb. "Pippin." Merry voice was scared, and Aaron wondered if she should do something. A bright light came from the orb and Pippin's hands grasped it tight. "No!" Pippin closed his eyes. "Pippin."


Outside an Elf turned his head to a man with eyes of fear. "He is here." Was all he said before they ran into the Golden Hall.


Aaron sat up as Pippin started to roll around on the floor with the orb in his hands. His mouth was open but no noise came out of it.

"Pippin!" Merry yelled. Aaron now stood up but was unsure of what to do. One part of her wanted to grabbed to orb the other wanted to call for help. A side won and Aaron grabbed the orb from the horrified Hobbit, just as Aragorn and Legolas came in. Her mind drifted, she felt her own heart beat and almost as if something was trying to pierce inside her head. Then a voice, dead and yet alive, rang through her mind.

'The daughter of an Elf and horse rider.

You come to me with a blocked mind.

But soon you will come to me with a mind free of chains.'

She felt the orb fall from her hands and her eyes closed. Nothing seemed to matter. Everything was nothing. Nothing was everything and nothing made sense. Her mind was spinning in more directions than one. A voice she knew kept saying her name but it was so distant. She felt it leaving her and soon seemed to be as far away as the stars.

No, come back.

"No!" She screamed outside her head. Her eyes were wide open, she felt a hand brushing away her hair, and her back against a hard floor. Color and design seemed to have left the world. She knew she was hearing and feeling but seeing wasn't being done.

"Aaron?" Said a deep calm voice. She jumped and tired to escape the hands now holding her down. She pushed and pushed against them but to no prevail. Then more hands touched her shoulders, something was said and she felt her body slowly calming down. Her heart rate came to its normal speed and her mind relaxed. The world was gaining both color and design, now. Black spots became blurs, that soon became people. Slowly, everything became who and what it was suppose to be. Aragorn's kind, worried eyes were looking down at her, above him knelt Legolas. Gandalf sat in front of her, his hands still on her shoulders. "Aaron?" She flinched but didn't do anything, her mind trying to comprehend what had happened. "Aaron, what happened? What did you see?" She slowly shook her head, her eyes looking straight into his. "What did you hear?" She knew her eyes had given that away. She shook her head again and hid it in Aragorn's arms.

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