Chapter 6; The Chase

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(Has been edited to the best of my abilities)!
The Fellowship of the Ring; Disc 1
Chapter 6; The Chase

"What are you doing?" Sam yelled, frantically as Arwen rode off with a dying Frodo. "Those Wraiths are still out there." Aragorn looked back at them, his eyes wandering from the three remaining Hobbits to Aaron, who sat perfectly still, her ears and eyes the only things moving as she listened to everything around her.

"Aaron." Aragon commanded, feeling a bit one sided toward his decision, but knew it was the right thing to do. "Follow her." Aaron for a moment just stared, her blue eyes hiding more of her thoughts than they gave away. Finally, she nodded and lowered her head, arching her neck high into the air. For a moment nothing happened, and the Hobbits stared curiously and suspiciously from the ranger to the wolf. Then her body grew taller, and the Hobbits gasped, her fur became short, her legs grew longer and a mane flowed out of her wolffish neck. The Hobbits backed up with shocked faces and fearful minds, and she merely smiled in her head at their fear and yet amazement, it poured into her, feeding dying senses. Aaron reared as she became a full grown black mare. She felt power course through her muscles, and throughout every limb in her flexible body. With a snort and a toss of her head, she dashed off after Arwen and Frodo.

Arwen looked back at the sound of extra hoof-beats, had the Wraiths caught up to her that quickly? But alas, it was only a horse form Aaron that came striding up next to her. She smiled at the horse, and even after all these years, she still felt some pride in helping to raise her.

"Let's go!" Arwen yelled in Elvish over the wind as Aaron fell into pace beside her horse, Asfaloth. Soon both horses were speeding through the forest and out into the night sky, feeling as free as the rivers and as wild as the wind.

By mid-morning the next day, Aaron started to detect faint hoof-beats behind them, and her fear spiked; they'd found them. It was bad enough run all out in horse form, but to also be chased by the most fear beings since Saruman, she felt the wear and tear of not sleep well and running all too often. She turned her head out and saw the nine racing after them, it was even worst to confirm her suspicions. Arwen saw them too and urged Asfaloth faster, ultimately making Aaron push herself harder. They were nearing a pine forest, Arwen knew Asfaloth could beat them to the river but she was afraid they might over power her because of the forest. She looked at Aaron, she was thinking the same thing, and as they entered the forest she shied away from Arwen and barreled around a tree.

"You smart girl!" Arwen said in the common tongue. The nine were closing in on her and she turned around a tree tight making them have to split up. She did this quite a few times. Each time making their horses go crazy. Aaron every now and then would charge out if a horse got to close. Then they broke out of the forest and down into the River. Arwen and Aaron crossed but the Wraiths horses stopped at the edge. Their horses reared and fought the nine.

"Give up the halfling, she-Elf." The Witch King said in his dead dry voice. Arwen drew her sword.

"If you want him come and claim him." The Wraiths gave no objections. They drew their swords and started in after her. Aaron's ears were ringing, she felt lightheaded and couldn't hear what Arwen said after that, but she could see her mouth moving. Aaron watched the river's water level rise. She looked to her left and saw water flood in through the canon. The front of horses could be seen. They charged after the screaming Ringwraiths. Aaron let her head drop as she relaxed her legs. Arwen lowered Frodo to the ground and was saying something. Aaron took a step forward and shook her head, trying to hear.

"Aaron, go home." Aaron raised her head and shook it again giving a snort while stomping her hoof. "Go home." Arwen said again. Aaron snorted again but turned around and made her legs take her home.

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