Chapter 8; Defeat Smaug with Bard's Arrow

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My Imagination

Chapter 8; Defeat Smaug with Bard's Arrow

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Aaron woke up early the next morning. She was lying on Aragorn's floor. She stretched out her long legs and a big yawn came to her mouth. Why was she up so early? She didn't know. She looked outside. It was still pretty dark. Aaron yawned again as she walked over to the balcony and laid her head on the rail. She heard movement in the bed and looked over to see Aragorn get up. He looked at her very tired.

"You know you don't have to stay in a wolf form to go to sleep." He said through his own yawn. Aaron knew he was right and slowly changed back into a human. Aragorn jumped when he saw her weapons on her back and at her side. "You figured out how to change with them on, huh?"

"Guess so." She walked over to him and sat on the bed. Her head nodded as she sat there and soon she was asleep again. Aragorn caught her before she fell to the floor. A smile crossed his face as he moved her around. He pulled her quiver over her head and unstrapped her belt. He placed her on one side of the bed and got in on the other. Soon both were sound asleep.

The sun was was barely awake when Aragorn woke up, Aaron was still beside him. Her hair was in a messy braid and her necklace was going down her back instead of her front. She moved slightly as he got up but was right back to sleep. Aragorn went to the bathroom and washed out his hair and got dressed for the journey. Aaron was still asleep when he came back in. In fact she hadn't moved since he left. He went over and sat beside her. She stirred again. He touched her shoulder and ran it up to her neck. He leaned forward and whispered into her ear.

'We're leaving today, so you won't have to wear a dress tomorrow.' Her eyes slowly opened and she smiled up at him. She looked him up and down.

"You're ready." She said with a yawn.

"Yeah, and you need to get ready. Lily brought you a change of cloths for today. Don't worry it's not a dress. Your weapons are over there, and I'm going to the gravestones." Aaron nodded her head yawning once again.

"Don't let anyone kill you. Cause it will be my fault."

"What you won't miss me?" Aaron gave him a looked of 'get out of here so I can get dressed.' "Fine. If I die I'll blame you."

"That's reassuring." Aaron said as she threw the covers away and went into the bathroom.


When Aaron came out of Aragorn's room she was once again a wolf of darkness. Her tongue was out and she was happy. She first went to Lily's room to tell her good bye. When she didn't find her there she put her nose to the ground and followed her trail. While doing so she ran into Legolas.

"Good morning, Aaron." He said in Elvish. He knelt down and scratched behind her ears. "I heard your going to be staying in wolf form for our journey," he whispered still in Elvish. "and that no one is to know." Aaron gave a nod of her head. She looked behind the Elf and gave a low growl at who was coming toward them.

"If I didn't know better I'd say that wolf understands you." Boromir said.

"I'm afraid, Boromir." Legolas answered in the common tongue. "You don't know better. She does understand us. She's a very smart dog." Boromir scoffed and walked away. "Won't it be a surprise to him if he ever sees you changed." Legolas whispered again in Elvish. Aaron stuck out her tongue and licked his hand. "Go on. I've interrupted you from where ever you are going." Aaron gave a bark goodbye and started out once again in look for Lily. She found her behind a tree in the garden. Aaron ran and looked up at her. Lily knelt down and hugged her tight around the neck. Aaron heard her sob and she felt the fur on her neck soak in her tears. Aaron could stand not being able to hug her back. She looked up at the tree's trunk. It was big enough to hide her. Right there in Lily's arms Aaron changed back human. She wrapped her arms around her tight.

"Oh...Aaron. I don't want you to go. What if you don't come back? What if I lose my best friend?" Aaron pushed her off her shoulder and looked her square in the face.

"Lily, I have left more times than you can count on your fingers and toes. And I have come back just that many. This is just a longer journey."

"Yes, but much more dangerous. You're going to Mordor the one place on Middle Earth that you should fear."

Aaron sat down next to her and wrapped her arm around her back pulling her close.

"Remember the Lonely Mountain use to be dangerous too. A Dragon lived there. For years he put terror in the hearts of Men, Elves, Dwarves, and possibly Hobbits. But all it took was thirteen Dwarves, one Hobbit and Gandalf. They woke him up, made him angry even. He got so angry that he let his rage out on Laketown. But all it took was one arrow of the past generations. One arrow killed him, Lily. Think of Sauron as Smaug. Think of the one arrow as the One Ring. Think of Bard as the Volcano. What do you get? Another dragon, another arrow, and another Bard. We have to travel to get to Mordor, and defeat the dragon. That's all it is, Lily. Don't lose hope now. I haven't even left. If you lose hope before I've even left then you won't have any hope of me returning in the months to come." Lily had stopped crying and was hugging Aaron tight to herself. Aaron returned it.

"Aaron?" Aragorn's voice called out.

"I have to go. Lily don't lose hope in us, please. I will give you my word that I will return. If you give me your word you will not lose hope?"

"I do. Be safe Aaron, please." She hugged her once more as tight as she could.

"I will." Aaron released her and walked out from behind the tree. She gave Lily one more look before walking toward Aragorn.

"Is she okay?" He asked. Aaron stopped beside him.

"She is now." She had a look of completion on her face.

"What did you tell her?"

"That we were going to defeat Smaug with Bard's arrow." Aaron got down on her knees and turned back into a wolf. Aragorn chuckled beside her.

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