Chapter 19; Free of Pain

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The Two Towers; Disc 1 and Disc 2 and my Imagination

Dedication to Daughter_of_Durin for loving my story.

Chapter 19; Free of Pain
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Aragorn was walking through the Golden Hall when he saw Éowyn pull a sword out of a chest. She started to swing it around beautiful; it looked almost like a dance, in slow motion. He didn't know why he decided to do this but he did. He walked up behind her and pulled out his Elvish dagger silently. When she turned around he swung his blade up and pared with her's.

"You have some skill with a blade." He said. She swung her sword away and pointed it at him. He put down his blade and she lowered her's.

"Women of this country learned long ago:" she said putting her sword back in the sheath. "Those without swords can still die upon them. I fear neither death nor pain."

"What do you fear, my lady?" She looked at him.

"A cage. To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them. And all chance of Valor has gone beyond recall or desire." Aragorn shook his head slowly.

"You're a daughter of kings..." He said, "a shieldmaiden of Rohan." He placed his dagger back into the sheath. "I do not think that will be your fate." Aragorn gave a bow and walked away, leaving a surprised and longing shieldmaiden behind.

He walked toward the stables only to find Aaron standing, on three legs, waiting for him. Her eyes were closed and she looked relaxed. A humming sound was coming from her side. Aragorn smiled as he walked up to her. She opened her eyes and nickered. The humming stopped and Hámas placed down her hoof and gave a bow to Aragorn.

"Thank you, Hámas." Aragorn said as he rubbed his hand along Aaron's neck. "You may go, I'll take her from here."

"Yes, my lord." He gave a bow and walked away. Aragorn turned to Aaron.

"It's strange to have a quiet sister. Your normally so proud and arrogant. Of course you can't say any rude remarks to this, now can you?" Aaron backed up and pressed her hoof on top of his foot, and putting some pressure down. "Ow...! You trying to make me have a limp." She looked at him, he knew she was smiling, but at the same time saying sorry. "Oh alright, I forgive you." Aaron nickered. Aragorn grabbed the horn of the saddle and climbed up onto her back. Aaron wanted to rear, to charge off, but the hard hands on the reins kept her from even taking a step. She placed her ears back for a second before moving them forward again. Théoden rode by with Háma and another guard, on his sides. Théoden nodded to Aragorn and rode out of the gates. Legolas and Gimli, who was having trouble with Hausfel, rode up beside him, and they started yet another journey across the plains of Rohan.

The end if Disc 1!

Aaron walked behind Gimli with Aragorn sitting upon her back. She was listening to Gimli tell Éowyn, who was leading Hausfel, about Dwarves.

"It's true, you don't see many Dwarf women." He said. "And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance..." Aaron pushed aside the image of women with full beards. "...that they're often mistaken for Dwarves men." Éowyn smiled and looked back at Aragorn.

"It's the beards." He said, moving his head to his chin and pulling it down, giving the picture of a beard. Once again Aaron pushed the image aside. Éowyn smiled again.

"This, in turn, has given rise to the belief, that there are no Dwarf women..." Éowyn's smile was now wide. "...and the Dwarves just spring out of the ground..." She laughed, Gimli laughed along with her. "...which is, of course, ridiculous." Aaron gave a loud nickered that scared Hausfel, he started to run forward, with Gimli and Éowyn completely unprepared. Gimli went flying off the horse and onto his back. Éowyn stopped in shock then ran forward smiling but her face showed concern. "It all right. Nobody panic. That was deliberate. It was deliberate." He said as Éowyn helped him up and dusted off his back. Aragorn was smiling when Théoden rode up beside him.

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