Chapter 5; Watchtower

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(Has been updated to the best of my abilities)!

The Fellowship of the Ring; Disc 1

Chapter 5; Watchtower

"Where are you taking us?" Frodo asked as they trekked into the surrounding forest by Bree.

"Into the Wild." Aragorn answered. Aaron looked at the woods around her, definitely the Wild. Then she looked back at the four Hobbits. They looked very suspicious, she could tell. They didn't know who she was and had no reason to trust either of them; shadowy ranger or dark wolf. Aragorn had only told them that her name was Aaron, but other than that they were oblivious.

"How do we know this Strider and his dog are friends of Gandalf?" Merry asked. Aaron pointed her ears back to listen, and stopped herself from growling that he called her a dog. I am a Wolf, part of the dog family, but there is a fine line between me and a German Shepard.

"I think a servant of the enemy would look fairer and feel fouler." Frodo answered.

"He's foul enough." Aaron did let a growl out release between her lips, raising them a bit to show canines. Aragorn looked down at her and shook his head; telling her to be polite.

"We have no choice but to trust him."

"But where is he leading us?" Sam, the sandy haired one, asked. He was leading a brown pony by the name of Bill. They had traded the saddle and bridle for him, making Aaron very happy that they were gone. Of course, Aragorn had subjected to riding her bareback before too. Aaron's weapons were attached to the pony's back, along with other essential things.

"To Rivendell, Master Gamgee." Aragorn answered to their surprise. "To the house of Elrond."

"Did you hear that?" Same asked, wonder and excitement filling his voice. "Rivendell. We're going to see the Elves." Aaron chuckled in her head at his excitement and Aragorn turned a twinkling eye her way.

They walked for a long time after their talk. The Hobbits always lagging and Aaron always wishing to go faster. She also wished they'd just brought everyone a pony. Rivendell was full of them, why did they have to resort to walking?

Finally, they stopped for just a moment as snow pelted down on them. They hid under the trees to protect themselves from the short ambush.

When the snow was done pouring, Aaron stood and shook herself out, much to the Hobbits dismay. But she had to act like a dumb wolf, so she covered them in her dusting of snow and then trotted out from under the tree. Aragorn gave her a face, but said nothing, although she knew he wanted to. As they looked about, Aaron heard the distant sound of clanging and small whispers. She turned around and narrowed her eyes on the Hobbits. They were unloading the pots and pans from Bill's pack for the second time that day, and it wasn't even past eleven.

"Gentlemen, we do not stop till nightfall." Aragorn said, frowning at their odd habit of eating too much food. Now it's no wonder they were lagging.

"What about breakfast?" Pipping asked, presumably confused on why the ranger would dare ask such a thing.

"You've already had it."

"We've had one, yes. What about second breakfast?" Aragorn walked away with a shake of his head, but Aaron stayed and stared at them curiously, what person ate second breakfast? Was there even such a thing?

"Don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip." Merry said putting a pot away.

"What about elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them...doesn't he?" Aaron went shock still at all the names he'd just announced. She knew they had seven meals, but never knew that they took the pm seriously.

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