Chapter 17; Dreams and Edoras

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The Two Towers; Disc 1 and my Imagination
Chapter 17; Dreams and Edoras
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They stopped that night and even Legolas looked tired. Aaron and Gandalf sat off from the group and talked.

"I assume Galadriel and Aragorn have told you." Gandalf didn't put this as a question just a statement. Aaron looked down. "No need to fear the past you don't know."

"But it seems as if I do know it, somewhere."

"There are many questions we all would like answered. Even the wisest cannot answer every question asked. They try, but most fail. Your past has many questions to it, and so does mine. Just not exactly the same ones. I questions things I would have done different, where you question why something was done that way."

"I had...had a dream...of Saruman." She looked into Gandalf's eyes, then looked down again.

"Go on." He said kindly.

"He was standing in front of a Uruk-hai. He was telling it about how Orcs first came to being. Then everything changed and I saw all these Uruks getting armored. Then it changed again and the first Uruk stood on a balcony with Saruman. All the other Uruks were below them. Saruman was telling them to come and find us. I didn't realize it at the time, but now I wish I had." Her hand whipped a tear off her cheek.

"You feel responsible for Boromir's death?" Aaron gave her head a little nod. "You shouldn't Aaron. Everyone is going to die someday. Even me, well it might be a little longer before, but..." Aaron let out a laugh.

"I hope it's far away, Gandalf."

"I hope it doesn't sneak up on me. I'm not ready to not fulfill my task."

"You mean to destroy the Ring?"

"That's part of it...the other part is to see Middle Earth at peace."

"Well, destroying the Ring will of that. Hopefully." Aaron eyes became heavy, her back was against a rock formation and soon her eyes were too heavy to keep open. She let them close and her mind drifted to her parents again.

Gandalf watched her go to sleep and smiled. She was young and didn't deserve not to have answers. He wished he could give them to her, but even he didn't know. He stood up and walked away from Aaron. He stared out over the plains, then up at the sky. Aragorn came and stood next to him.

"The veiling shadow that glowers in the east takes shape. Sauron will suffer no rival. From the summit of Barad-dúr his Eye watches ceaselessly. But he is not so mighty yet that he is above fear. Doubt ever draws at him. The rumor has reached him. The heir of Númenor still lives. Sauron fears you, Aragorn. He fears what you might become. And so he'll strike hard and fast at the world of Men. He will use his puppet Saruman to destroy Rohan. War is coming. Rohan must defend itself, and therein lies our first challenge...for Rohan is weak and ready to fall. The king's mind is enslaved, it's an old device of Saruman's. His hold over King Théoden is now very strong. Sauron and Saruman are fighting the noose. But for all their cunning...we have one advantage. The Ring remains hidden. And that we should seek to destroy it...has not yet entered their darkest dreams. And so the weapon of the enemy is moving toward the hands of a Hobbit. Each day brings it closer to the fires of Mount Doom. We must trust now in Frodo. Everything depends upon speed..." Aragorn eyes downcast and Gandalf looked at him. "...and the secrecy of his quest. Do not regret your decison to leave him. Just as Aaron should not regret her dreams of the future." Aragorn looked at him confused.

"What dreams of the future?"

"If she has not told you then that is for her to tell." Gandalf paused then went back on subject. "Frodo must finish this task alone."

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