Chapter 13; Dreams

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The Fellowship of the Ring; Disc 2 and my Imagination

Chapter 13; Dreams

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Aaron woke to the sound of singing. She could tell she hadn't been asleep long for, Aragorn still lay under her. She sat up and looked high in the trees. Elves were singing. She understood every word of it and it made her said.

"A lament for Gandalf." Legolas said as he walked back to the roots. Aaron stood up and Aragorn followed. They sat down on a little ledge and Aaron listened to the song, while Aragorn started to sharpen his sword. Gimli was sleeping a little down from them.

"What do they say about him?" Merry asked.

"I have not the heart to tell you. For me, the grief is still too near."

"I bet they don't mention his fireworks." Sam said. Aaron smiled. She had once seen his fireworks, although she couldn't remember where. "There should be a verse about them." He stood up.

'The finest rockets ever seen

They burst in stars of blue and green

Or after thunder, silver showers

Came falling like a rain of flowers'

"Oh, that doesn't do them justice by a long road." He sat back down. Gimli started to snore and Aragorn slapped him across the head. Aragorn looked at Sam then over to someone sitting far off. He handed Aaron his sword and walked away. Aaron followed him with her eyes and saw him go over to where Boromir was sitting. It wasn't that far off so she could hear what they were saying:

"Take some rest." Aragorn said. "These borders are well-protected."

"I will find no rest here." Boromir answered. "I heard her voice inside my head. She spoke of my father and the fall of Gondor. She said to me, 'Even now there is hope left.' But I cannot see it. It is long since we had any hope." Aragorn moved and sat by him. "My father is a noble man. But his rule is falling...and our people lose faith. He looks to me to make things right, and I would do it. I would see the glory of Gondor restored. Have you ever seen it, Aragorn? The White Tower of Ecthelion. Glimmering like a spike of pearl and silver. Its banners caught high in the morning breeze. Have you ever been called the clear ringing of silver trumpets?"

"I have seen the White City...long ago."

"One day, our paths will lead us there. And the tower guard shall take up the call: 'The Lords of Gondor have returned.'" Aragorn gave a small smile. Aaron knew he didn't want the crown, he had never wanted it. But she was also wondering if he was re-thinking about it. Aragorn said goodnight to Boromir and walked back to Aaron. Aaron put aside the sword and laid back on his chest, falling into a nightmare.


In Aaron's dream she dreamed she was in a tall tower. A man, or a wizard, clad in white stood in front of a tall Orc. No it wasn't an Orc, but nor was it a Goblin.

"Do you know how the Orcs first came into being?" The man in white asked the creature. "They were Elves once. Taken by the Dark Powers...tortured and mutilated. A ruined and terrible form of life. And now...perfected. My fighting Uruk-hai...whom do you serve?"

"Saruman!" It said. It's voice was almost old and dry. Aaron stared at it. Uruk-hai? What was that? Was it the thing standing in front of her?

The image changed. She was now standing in a large cavern. Lots of the Uruk-hai things were in front of her getting armored up. Orcs, she was sure they were Orc, came by and taking their hand and pressing it against the faces of the creatures. Creating the White Hand of Saruman. The image changed again and now she was standing on a balcony with Saruman and the Uruk-hai from earlier.

"Hunt them down." Saruman yelled over the crowd. Aaron didn't think he meant a deer herd. "Do not stop until they are found. You do not know pain. You do not know fear. You will taste Man-flesh!" The Uruks down below cried out in cheers. Saruman turned to the Uruk-hai standing behind him. "One of the halflings carries something of great value. Bring them to me alive and unspoiled. Kill the rest."

"No." Aaron nearly yelled. No one heard her. Everyone was still asleep. Aragorn had moved her to a bed and now lay beside her. Aaron sat up and saw Frodo lay back down on his bed. For some reason she didn't expect anything. She waited for him to fall asleep before getting up herself. She walked over to the small drink fountain and slashed water on her face.

What was that?

That, was you seeing what I saw. Galadriel told her. Aaron spun around to see her standing just a few feet off. Aragorn told you, I see. Aaron nodded her head.


Good. You deserved to know.

What did I see?

A warning, that even I could not see. There is something more to you than we all assume. You made it possible for me to enter. It is a warning of what is to come.

Will I have these often?

Only, when your mind is confused and looking for answers.

But that wasn't answers.

No. She looked in deep thought. I do not know why you could open up something that even the greatest of Elves and Wizards could never.

Could it be my parents?

Yes...that is it isn't it? You were thinking of them. Wondering who they were, what they were.

But if this ability did come from my parents, why would they fear the fact that I was a Skin-changer.

That remains to be unseen. Aaron looked down. I have questions to be answered too. And someday we will get them. We just have to be patient. Galadriel walked closer to Aaron and put her hand in her wounded shoulder. It is healed. You are strong, Aaron. You just don't know how strong yet. With that she disappeared. Aaron went and lay back down next to Aragorn, but she didn't go to sleep for quite some time and when she did her dreams were where they normally were; in meadows of horses and wolves playing together happily.

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