Chapter 12; Lothlórien

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The Fellowship of the Ring; Disc 2

Dedication to Readingfreak22 for helping me with my numbers.

Chapter 12; Lothlórien

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When they made it to the woods they stopped running. Aaron didn't open her eyes, but she smelled the air. It smelled like home, fresh and beautiful. She could feel the presence of trees and water. What she could smell and hear made her curious and she opened her eyes. She lifted her head off and Aragorn's chest and looked around. She wanted to run around and be free. So, right there in Aragorn's arms she changed into a small wolf and dropped from his arms. She land perfectly on three legs.

"Aaron." Aragorn said sternly but he couldn't hide a smile. He let her go and she changed into her normal size wolf. Her shoulder didn't bother her much, even though it would be wiser to stay human she found that it didn't hurt as much when she was a wolf. Everything seemed different as a wolf. She was stronger and smarter. Aaron limped behind Legolas as they walked through the forest.

"Stay close, young Hobbits!" She heard Gimli say. "They say that a great sorceress loves in these woods. An Elf-Witch...of terrible power. All who look upon her...fall under her spell. And are never seen again."

"Mr. Frodo?" Sam said. Aaron turned around and looked at them. Frodo was looking around.

"Well, here's one Dwarf she won't ensnare so easily." Gimli continued. Aaron wasn't sure about that. She had never been in Lothlórien but she had heard the stories.

Great. She thought. I have officially have been or are going to be in the only three places I have never been: Moria, Lothlórien, and Mordor.

"I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox." Gimli finished before arrows were pointed at his face. Everyone stopped moving. Legolas had his arrow pointed at the Elves around him. Aaron crouched and growled. She felt her paw starting to give away and for a slit second she looked at the ground. Blood was dripping off her black coat, and onto the green ground. Aaron looked back up her teeth bared and the Elves looked a bit confused. They were Elves. Lothlórien was an Elven kingdom.

"The Dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark." Said an Elf that somehow Aaron recognized. Gimli scoffed. The Elf's eyes scanned over the group. They landed on Aaron. He looked at the blood dripping from her coat. She gave out another growl. "She's grown up." He said in Elvish to Aragorn. Aaron's ears pricked up at that. She looked from Aragorn to this other Elf. Aragorn didn't look back at her but the Elf kept his gaze. Then turned around motioning for them to follow.


"Welcome Legolas, son of Thranduil." The Elf said to Legolas in Elvish, as they stood in the treetops on platforms that were attached to the trees. Aaron had had to change to climb up and still she found it difficult.

"Our Fellowship stands in your debt." Legolas answered. The Elf turned to Aragorn, sitting by Aaron tending to her shoulder.

"Aragorn of the has been long." Aaron was once again confused, but she hadn't asked Aragorn. She had learned that when he kept secrets, he kept them for the good of others.

"So much for the legendary courtesy of the Elves!" Gimli yelled. "Speak words we can all understand!"

"We have not had dealings with Dwarves since the Dark Days." The Elf said calmly.

"And you know what this Dwarf says to that?" Then Gimli spoke in Dwarfish. Aaron blocked her ears at the sound of the unkind words. Aragorn stood up and turned on Gimli.

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