Chapter 15; Boromir's Death

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The Fellowship of the Ring; Disc 2

Dedication to NicholeCarroll for helping me with my Vambraces' title.

Chapter 15; Boromir's Death

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"We find Boromir, Aaron. We will most likely find Frodo." Aaron gave a quiet back as an answer and kept following her nose. They soon came to an open area, it showed signs of a struggle in the leaves on the ground. Aaron soon picked up Frodo's travel and started to follow it instead of Boromir's. They soon came to the tower of Amon Hen. Aaron saw Frodo fall off the top of it and she started froward.

"Aaron, wait. Something is not right. Stay here." She sat down and watched Aragorn walk away.

"Frodo?" Aragorn said when he arrived at the Hobbit.

"It has taken Boromir." Frodo said.

"Where is the Ring?" Aaron flinched at hearing that come out of her brother's mouth.

"Stay away!" Frodo yelled as he ran underneath the tower, blocking Aaron's view. Aragorn followed.

"Frodo! I swore to protect you."

"Can you protect me from yourself? Would you destroy it?" It went quiet for a little while, making Aaron's ears pick up other noises. Heavy foot steps were approaching fast.

"I would have gone with you to the end." Aragorn said. "Into the very fires of Mordor."

"I know. Look after the others. Especially Sam. He will not understand." Aaron didn't understand, she wanted to see what was going on.

"Go, Frodo!" She heard a sword get unsheathed. "Run. Run!" Aaron looked behind her to see, Urak-hai running up to her and Aragorn. Aragorn came out from underneath the tower and looked at them. Aaron ran out toward him and growled at the Uraks charging in on them. She jumped up on one as Aragorn beheaded another. The leader Urak, Aaron recognized from her dream.

"Find the halflings!" It yelled. "Find the halflings!"

Frodo! She looked at Aragorn. He took down Urak after Urak. Aaron continued fighting her black coat was now black with blood. Aragorn ran up to the top of the tower killing Uraks as he went. Then he jumped off yelling; "Elendil!" Then Gimli and Aragorn showed up and everything flew by. Legolas killed by both firing arrows and stabbing them with arrows before firing them. Gimli, cut them down with his Axes.

"Aragorn, go!" Legolas yelled. They started to run down the hill. Aaron was a little slower though. Her shoulder might have been healed but a scar never is. She felt pain surge through her once more as she rolled down the hill. Then the a blowing could be heard from down the mountain. "The horn of Gondor."

"Boromir." Aragorn confirmed as he ran toward the horn call. Aaron dashed toward it and beat everyone to him. Boromir was protect Merry and Pippin. Across from her the leading Urak stood, at his side was a pouch of arrows. He took one and attached it to the string of his bow. Pulling it back he fired. The arrow flew through the air and sunk into Boromir's shoulder. He fell back, all Aaron could do was stare. She didn't know what to do. The man she hated was dying, but did she hate him more that this Urak-hai trying to kill them. No, and she never could. She shook her head and attacked the nearest living Urak. Boromir stood up and started fighting again. Another arrow spun through the air and landed its self in Boromir's gut. Aaron wasn't happy now. Her mind was leaving her, she was becoming the animal she had always fought, and for what a man. A man she knew hated her as much as she hated him. All that seemed to be slipping away now. Her memories were leaving her. She stopped in her tracks as she tore open a throat. This wasn't her. She shook her head trying to get whoever, whatever, was inside her mind. She took her anger at herself out on a the next Urak to come down the hill. Aaron heard Boromir yell. He had two arrows sticking out of him but he didn't stop. Then another arrow was released and lodged itself in his chest. He fell to his knees and did not return to fight. The Hobbits were furious and ran toward the Uraks, who just picked them up and ran off. Aaron wanted to follow but her legs wouldn't allow her. She had to leave this body clear her mind. She changed human and pulled out her sword, cutting off the head of the creature behind her. She ran toward Boromir and stabbed the Urak about to stab him. Aaron didn't stop until a Urak grabbed her neck and slammed her back against a tree. Her sword dropped and her hand flew to the arm holding her off the ground. As her vision faded she watched the leading Urak stand in front of Boromir and raised his bow, one last time. He aimed at Boromir's head and snarled. Then, right before he fired, Aragorn slammed into him. The arrow flew into the Urak, hold Aaron, back. It fell to the ground dead. Aaron's head hit a tree root hard and her eyes closed.

Once Aragorn had stopped the Urak from killing Boromir it, naturally, turned to fight him. It brought its sword down on Aragorn hard. Then pushed him back against a tree. His sword fell from his hand and the creature threw its shield pining him to the tree. Aragorn got it out right as the Urak's sword hit where his head had been. Arraign took out his Elven knife and stabbed its leg. The Urak picked Aragorn up and threw him. He found his sword just as the Urak threw the knife, he had been stabbed with. Aragon batted it away with his sword and stood up. He was mad now. He attacked the Urak fasted than it could counterattack. Then he cut it arm off and stabbed it through the chest. The Urak grabbed the hilt and pushed it all the way through him. Aragorn took it out and with one fast swipe cut its head off. The headless body fell to the ground. Aragorn looked around. He saw Aaron and nearly ran to her until he saw Boromir. He knew, somehow, Aaron was going to be fine, but Boromir. He wasn't.

"No." He said as he ran to him.

"They took the little ones." Boromir said breathing hard.

"Hold still."

"Frodo. Where is Frodo?"

"I let Frodo go."

"Then you did what I could not. I tried to take the Ring from him."

"The Ring is beyond our reach now."

"Forgive me. I did not see it. I have failed you all."

"No, Boromir. You fought bravely. You kept your honor." Aragorn reached to take the arrows out.

"Leave it. It is over. The world of Men will fall. And all will come to darkness...and my city to ruin."

"I do not know what strength is in my blood...but I swear to you, I will not let the White City fall...nor our people fail."

"Our people. Our people." Boromir reached out for his sword and Aragorn placed it in his hand and pulled it to his chest. Legolas ran in and saw them. He looked around at the bodies of Urak-Hais and saw Aaron's. He quickly ran to her and looked her over, she wasn't dead, just hurt.

"I would have followed you, my brother." Boromir said. "My captain. My king." Slowly Boromir's breath drew to an end. Aragorn put a hand to his own forehead and down to his lips as a sign of lose. Then he closed Boromir's eyes.

"Be at peace...som of Gondor." He kissed the top of his head and stood up, a tear rolling down his cheek. "They will look for his coming from the White Tower. But he will not return."

"Aragorn." Legolas called. Aragorn looked at him and remember Aaron, he ran to her and knelt down.

"Aaron?" She didn't respond. He placed a hand on her shoulder and her eyes slowly opened. She stared at the treetops for the longest time before looking at them.

"Boromir." She said sitting up quickly. Her eyes scanned the bodies for him. Aragorn's head came into view and he shook it. Aaron looked down. A tear escaped her eye and Aragorn pulled her into his embrace. Legolas stood up and walked over to Gimli who had shown up.


Aaron looked down at the boat that held the man she had hated, but she didn't look at him like that anymore. She looked at him as a forgotten friend. They had pulled the arrows out and placed him a boat, with his sword, shield, and horn, that was now cloven in two. Aragorn had taken his vambraces, that wore the Gondor Tree on them, as a reminder of his promise. They watched the boat disappear over the falls.

"Hurry!" Legolas yelled pushing the remaining boat into the water. "Frodo and Sam have reached the eastern shore." No one moved. He looked back a Aragorn. He was looking across the river at the other boat and the two Hobbits starting their journey alone. "You mean not to follow them."

"Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands." Aragorn finally said.

"Then is has all been in vain." Gimli said walking forward. "The Fellowship has failed." Aragorn walked to the two friends and place his hands on their shoulders.

"Nit if we hold true to each other. We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death. Not while we still have strength left." At that Aaron changed into the Wolf of Darkness and gave a howl. "Leave all that can be spared behind. We travel light." He looked at Aaron. "Let us hunt some Orc." He turned around and ran into the woods, followed closely by Aaron. Legolas and Gimli looked at each other. Gimli laughed and charged after them, and Legolas after him.

Yes, let's hunt some Orc.

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