Chapter 3; A Coming of Age Party

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(Has been edited to the best of my abilities)!

My Imagination

Chapter 3; A Coming of Age Party

Aaron woke to two ruff tongues licking her cheeks. She opened her eyes to see pink noses and the feeling of being sticky.

"Shadow." She croaked, sleep still hanging in the air. "Silver." The cats' green and blue eyes came into view. " you guys know how much I missed you?" The cats answered in meows and more licks of 'miss you' and 'love you'. She chuckled and tried to sit up. They wouldn't let her and sat down tight on her shoulders.

"Okay, your going to have to stop, or my face is going to be red." The cats put their tongues in their mouths and just looked at her. Aaron finally sat up and looked down at them as they ran their bodies along her sides; their tails tickling her skin. Shadow had the brightest green eyes anyone had ever seen. His black fur was sleek and handsome and he appeared as much a shadow as a shadow. Silver was well, silver. She had blue eyes like Aaron, and acted practically like her; grumpy when tired, adventurous when given the opportunity and very much in love with her brother-sibling love that is. Aaron loved them both so much, and didn't know what she'd do if she couldn't come home to them. They had shown up at about the same time she had all those years ago, and only had her and each other.

Aaron welcomed the memory of seeing a hooded figure picking her up and cradling her in his arms, while she cried. Of course she had been too young to understand any of it; let alone remember it now. But she was able to piece together what Aragorn had told her and created her own memories.

She snapped back to Middle-earth when someone rapped on her door.

Praying it wasn't Aragorn telling her the bad news that they'd have to leave early, she answered; "Who is it?" Instead, a much too happy Lily ran in and jumped onto the bed. The cats claws held into the material as they flew up. When they came back down they hid behind Aaron with groans and hisses.

"Oh..." Lily giggled, putting her hand to her mouth. "Sorry Silver. Sorry Shadow." She looked behind Aaron at the cats, as they unbundled themselves. They came out and started to purr a forgiveness.

"They forgive you, but ask that next time you don't jump on the bed." Aaron translated for the cats.

Lily ran her hands down their slick bodies, smiling all the while. "Don't worry I'll be more careful." The cats disagreed, but Aaron didn't feel the need to translate their discomfort at Lily's "promises". "Aaron you have to get out of bed." Lily commanded. "Come on." She dragged her out of bed and gasped, covering her eyes. "What on Middle-earth are you wearing?"

Aaron looked herself up and down. "What? I'm always wearing this."

"Well, sorry. You turned twenty-seven this morning. You have to wear a dress now." She twirled in her own blue dress. Aaron sighed. They could only guess at her birthday really. See as she showed up on the Elven doorstep as a young babe. Soon, they just threw the day of her finding as her birth. A birth in a new world, with a family that wanted her.

"You got me into a dress last night," Aaron grounded out. "But that was because I was tired and didn't want to argue with you. You will not get me in a dress today. No, ma-am. I am as dressed as I am going to get." Aaron ended with a stern nod, that made her frenzy hair fall from the already falling apart braid.

"Okay, but will you at least put on a longer top?" Lily still covered her eyes, as if it were a great embarrassment to see her best friend in a tunic that wasn't really that short.

"Fine." Aaron ran over to her dresser and pulled on a top that stopped right above her knees. She then put her sword to her belt and walked back to Lily.

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