Chapter 7; The Council of Elrond

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The Fellowship of the Ring; Disc 1

Dedication to Minecraftian for seeing what I did there.

Chapter 7; The Council of Elrond

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Aaron put her nose to the ground and sniffed her way to Aragorn and Arwen. She waited until Arwen left then trotted up to him. He didn't see her until she licked his hand. He jumped and stared down at her with a smile on his face.

"I guess it's lunch time, uh?" He asked. Aaron barked. "Ready to stay in wolf form for a while?" Aaron shook her head. "Really? Well, sorry your going to have to obey this one." Aaron sneezed. Aragorn laughed and started to walk away. "Come on. They should be arriving soon." Aaron ran on ahead of him and down the hall. In front of them was a little balcony. It wasn't high up, really it wasn't five feet from the ground, it over looked the entrance gate. Aaron lifted her front paws up onto the rail and Aragorn leaned on his elbows. The first to come through the gate was a man. His clothing didn't show royalty but it was of colors of a high position, maybe general or commander. Aaron snifter the air and Aragorn moved uneasily beside her. A man of Gondor. Aaron sneezed again getting the smell out of her nose. Aragorn gave a chuckle at her and rubbed between her ears. The next to come through the gate were four Elves on white steads. Aaron recognized one of them as Legolas Greenleaf. He jumped from his horse and looked up at them. Aaron stuck out her tongue and wagged her tail. Legolas nodded his head and lead his horse away. Next were the Dwarves. Aaron didn't know any of them.

The rest of the day went slowly for Aaron. They didn't see any of the guest, not even the Hobbits for the whole day. Aragorn released Aaron to explore the forest while he stayed in his room. Aaron spent most of her time target practicing. She also worked hard on a way to be able to change and have her weapons change with her. She didn't understand why her cloths would change but her weapons wouldn't.

"Why doesn't it work?" She asked herself aloud not expecting anyone to hear her.

"Why won't what work?" Aaron turned around and looked into the kind eyes if Gandalf.

"I'm trying to get it where I can change into an animal with my weapons." She sat down with a look of defeat on her face.

"You have a special gift, Aaron." Gandalf told her as he sat down next to her. "Beorn, couldn't change with his clothes on." Aaron pushed the image away with a laugh. "I think with enough practice you should be able to get it. If you concentrate hard enough on what you want..." He looked at a pine cone laying beside a tree. It moved toward him and he caught it in his hand. "It should come to you." Aaron stared at amazement at the pine cone in his hand. "Now, I think I'll leave you to practice. I am going to have a talk with some old friends and maybe make some new ones." Aaron smiled as he got up, and started to walk away.

"Gandalf." He turned around. "Thank you."

"Your welcome, Aaron."

Aaron sat there and thought about what he had said; 'if you concentrate on what you want it should come to you.' Aaron closed her eyes and thought of her weapons becoming fur along with the rest of her body. When she opened her eyes she was on four legs, she looked at her back. No quiver was see able. Her sword was also gone. She concentrated again and turned back to her human self. Her weapons were on her back and side. She smiled and changed back again and ran to find Aragorn.

The sun was setting when she found him. He was sitting in the memory hall, as Aaron called it. A painting on one of the walls showed Isildur with the hilt of Narsil, his father's sword. He had it raised up and in front of him was Sauron. Across from the moral was a statue. He had a plate in his hands, on the plate was the shards of Narsil. Aaron was always fascinated by the sword that had cut Sauron's hand, that had the Ring on it, off. Aaron shuddered as she walked pass it, she'd seen the One Ring, and she wasn't to happy about seeing it again. Aragorn was sitting towards the end of the hall, reading a book. Aaron came and sat beside his chair. He patted her head without looking up. Aaron lay down and closed her eyes, she would have welcomed sleep if she hadn't heard footsteps coming their way. Aaron opened her eyes and lifted her head. She watched a man come around the corner and look at the moral. Aaron felt a growl coming to her chest as she stood up. Aragorn put his hand her back and she calmed herself. The man turned and saw them two, Aaron recognized him as the man from Gondor.

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