Chapter 31; Family Reunion

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The Return of the King; Disc 2

Dedication to AJAX1319 for saying that my character should have been in the movie, thank you so much for lighting up my day!

Chapter 31; Family Reunion

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Night had fallen and the flying catapult balls were destroying everything. It was the worst and Aaron stood in the heat of it. Grond pounded away at the gate down below, she'd sent Gandalf and half a cohort of archers and swordsman down to the gate when the old wizard had asked what he should do. She felt strange being the one in charge and not the one being charged. She felt bored too. Everyone else was doing everything else.

The war-hammer beat away at the gate, she could hear the crack of the wood as it protested against the force. But what could they do? They were being smashed into the mountain side they were fighting to protect, literally between a rock and a hard place. Was there no escape?

The gate broke, but Aaron had no time to worry over it. Orcs ran at her as she fought in her wolf form, she'd given Lore up when the orcs became too much, she did not know where he was, dead or alive.

For the most part she was glad to be free from the human form, she was in her right mind in wolf form - the only problem being that she couldn't talk, which meant no orders could be given out. She'd shifted ten times in the last hour to give commands to some soldier who wasn't doing his job. Some she merely growled at.

When she finally gave up and remained human the sun was rising through the darkness and the Orcs were raining upon the castle like there was no such thing as tomorrow. Her sword swings became sluggish, her bow lay somewhere on the ground, her quiver deprived of all arrows. She felt helpless, she shouldn't have shifted back. She should have stayed a wolf. Oh, her tired mind.

At first it was distant, It was barely noticeable. But it grew in strength and sound. It was a horn blowing. It blew once, twice, three times then the morning's light shoved the darkness away, and the Orc army turned to face their new on-coming enemy. The Riders of Rohan in a vast quantity rose up above the Pelennor Fields, and a lazy smile forced its way through Aaron's exhausted eyes.

"Arise, arise, Riders of Théoden! Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered, a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises!" Théoden began to run along his front riders, their spears faced forward and the king ran his sword beat across them. "Ride now! Ride now! Ride! Ride for ruin and the world's ending!" Even from her placement above the gate, Aaron could hear the Rohan war cry. Their cries of Death! echoed around Minas Tirith with an encouraging surge of strength.

With a blowing of many horns the Rohan cavalry marched forward. From a brisk walk to a surging gallop they sped down slope and into the Orc archery. Arrows poured down on them, but for every fallen one another one was there to replace it. The Orcs were doomed, and they knew it.

Aaron didn't know where Gandalf was, he hadn't returned from the gate, she hoped nothing had happened. But then again, she guessed the old wizard had lived through enough battles to survive a little fight with some trolls and such. A falling, burning, screaming figure jumped from the top pier and disappeared among the ramble of Orcs and Gondor men. She gave no thought to it, if it was Denethor, well, she wished him ill anyways, if it were someone else, well, sorry. She shrugged and killed another Orc.

She frowned as she beheaded the beast, the only Orcs around her were dead. They lay in a scramble of headless corpse and limbless bodies around her in a circle, there was not a blood free spot anywhere around her. She, herself, was covered, head to toe, in black and deep red blood. Black being the Orc's and red were they had got a lucky swing at her. She didn't know where any of the wounds were, her whole body ached. She felt ready to collapse. She needed to collapse, perhaps take a long nap. No one should miss her, right. She shook her head and stole a dagger from a dead victim of her's, then dashed to the stairs tripping over limbs and slipping on blood, along her way.


Finally out of the castle she found the Orcs more abundant. She also found her moves still slow, but a little more revived. She still felt horrible and stiff. Her hand-eye coordination seemed off. She'd swing and expect to hit within a second, but instead would hit a second too long, and the Orc would have already taken a swing at her, sometimes narrowly misses her, sometimes grazing her. She hit the back of her head with the butt of her sword, it hurt... good. The more she felt, the more she knew she was alive.

Another horn blew, but this one much different from the Rohan, it wasn't a battle cry for good victory, it was the Devil's calling. The Orcs were retreating to the river, the riders making safe the city. Then everything stopped. The Orcs continued their run, but only to the safety of the Oilphants charging their way. There were a few dozen of them, with piked tusks and deadly archers riding their backs. Aaron gulped. She could feel her exhaustion creeping up quickly, she really needed to rest soon before collapsed from either being killed or just too lifeless. She also felt that she needed a large meal sometime soon, something to settle her stomach before falling also, Orc guts wasn't cutting out for her.

Aaron dodged an axe blade, killed the owner without thinking and moved on. She felt out of her zone, but still had the mindset to keep going. She just wasn't sure how long she could keep that up.

For a long while she stare a moving green blob thinking she'd lost it. She blinked a few times before seeing that the green mist were actually ghosts. They were the ghosts she'd seen in her dream. Wait, that would mean that... Sure enough. Aaron saw a flash of blonde hair, as Legolas Greenleaf climbed up an Oilphant. She couldn't help the smile that flashed as he single-handily took down the beast. Its trunk landed with a curl a few feet from her, and Legolas slid down it. Gimli stood suddenly at her side, and she earned a strange look from both of them.

"You look terrible." Legolas said stepping forward. Aaron nodded.

"I feel terrible," she answered. "Orc blood tastes horrible too." Legolas shook his head and gave her a brief hug. She closed her eyes against the slight pang of pain she felt and hugged him back. Gimli simple grunted when they broke apart. He jabbed a figure toward the Oliphant.

"That still only counts as one!" He says. Aaron stifles a laugh beside herself.

There's nothing else to be done. The green ghosts clean out the city, the field, and every nock and cranny of the destroyed enemy. Aaron shudders at the coldness they bring with them. With everything squared away, Aaron forces herself to not fall asleep. She blinks a few times to get rid of the haze in her eyes and looks down at her sword. She thinks about dropping it, about letting it fall to the ground with a CLANK! and maybe even joining it.

"You really don't look good." Legolas says standing beside her once more. She just nods. Her world is spinning. This has to be the worst battle she has ever fought, and what with having to bark out commands, stay up all night, and then shift forms over and over again, it is amazing she hasn't died, let alone fallen asleep.

She sees the whole conversation between Her brother and the ghosts, misses every single word, even whatever Gimli said, watched them disappear into the wind, then finds herself staring at a worried Aragorn. She engulfs him in a hug and discretely uses him to hold herself up. Only, when he moves to look her over again does she falter, her knees failing her.

"Whoa," Aragorn says lifting her up while leaning her against him at the same time.

"Can I sleep now?" She asks, not to be funny but because she has no mind-set of anything else. She feels dead.

"Yes, Aaron." He says soothingly. "You can sleep." She doesn't need to be told twice.

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Sorry, for the sum up of it all. I am extremely tired, but I just needed to get this done for all of y'all, because I promised a chapter. All the collapsing Aaron continued to think about was really me just complaining about my drowsiness. But I did say I'd update Wednesday or Thursday and it's Friday night. Hehe... Hope y'all enjoyed it maybe a little... Am I too hopeful? Alright, I am going to bed, goodnight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Next update will happen sometime in January, going to be gone for the rest of December starting Sunday. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry. Night!

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