Chapter 11; The Bridge of Khazad-dûm

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The Fellowship of the Ring; Disc 2

Chapter 11; The Bridge of Khazad-dûm
~~~~~~~~~~> ~~~~~~~~~~~> ~~~~~~~~~~> ~~~~~~~~~> ~~~~~~~~~> ~~~~~~~~~>

"They have a Cave Troll." Boromir said to Aragorn, who was helping to close the doors. Legolas threw them some weapons and they attached them to the doors. Aaron backed up and crouched low, ready to pounce on anything that came through that door. Legolas placed an arrow on his bow string, Boromir drew his sword, and Aragorn pulled out his bow. Gandalf stood in front of the four Hobbits with his sword drawn. Gimli stood upon his cousin's tomb and yelled:

"Let them come! There is one Dwarf yet in Moria who still draws breath."

The Hobbits each had their swords drown and Aaron felt helpless. She want to change and fight as a human not a wolf. She wanted her hands to hold a sword. But she had promised Aragorn and Lord Elrond that she would stay a wolf, unless absolutely necessary. Like down on the shore.

Something hard hit the doors, and swords could be seen breaking the wood. Legolas fired an arrow through a hole killing an Orc. Then the doors fell and Orcs rushed in. Aragorn threw aside his bow and brought out his sword. Gandalf and the Hobbits charged froward and Aaron once again felt useless. She fought the occasional Orc, that is until the Cave Troll came pounding in. Her eyes opened in shock, that is a huge Cave Troll. Aaron charged at its feet, it tried to hit her as she ran between them. It spun around and nearly fell. she wished it had. She would gone straight for the neck. Once her teeth clamped there was no unclamping them. Gimli was having his work cut out for him: Every time he tried to kill an Orc the Troll would hit it out if the way. It must have still been a little dizzy. Boromir and Aragorn grabbed hold of the chain around the Troll's neck as he tried to kill Sam and Gimli. Boromir got his arm caught in the chain and was thrown aside. An Orc walked over with it's sword raised and was about to kill Boromir when Aaron ran and grabbed the Goblin by its shoulder and threw him against the wall. The Goblin screeched and ran off with a broken arm. Aaron looked at Boromir as he stood. he nodded his thanks and went back to fighting. Aaron was about to follow when something went between her shoulder blade and side. She growled out and jumped up onto the Orc's neck. Her teeth latched on and the taste of blood filled her mouth. She held on until the Orc fell to the ground dead. She looked at her new wound. It was hidden in her shoulder and it just happened to the one leg that was already wounded so no one would notice her, with the limp she already had. The room went quiet and Aaron looked around. The Troll lay on its stomach with an arrow going through its mouth through its brain and out the other side. Everyone was huddled over in a corner. Aaron walked over and hid her limp.

"He's alive." Sam said to Gandalf as she got over there.

Wait, who's alive and who was supposedly dead?

She bark and Legolas looked at her.

"It's okay, Aaron. He's alive."

I know that. But who's alive.

She pushed her way through the Fellowship and saw Frodo sit up with his hand on his chest. Aragorn was sitting next to him and Sam on the other side.

"I'm all right. I'm not hurt." Frodo said. Aaron was really confused now.

"You should be dead." Aragorn said.

Why? Aaron yelled in her head.

"That spear would have skewered a wild boar."


She walked over to Aragorn's back and rubbed her head against it. All he did was put his arm around her side. She fought the temptation to bit him as he pressed on her wounded side.

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