Chapter 1:not strangers but not friends

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Whatever happens it happens for a reason. Fourth has always believed the saying. As a kid and as a teenager,his motto never changes. Whatever happens to him,he believes it to be decided. Whatever his parents want him to do he complies,it must have a good reason after all.

Today was an exceptionally beautiful day. Just how Fourth liked it. The sky was filled with clouds that were dark and the cool wind was blowing heavily as if it was about to rain. It was dark even in the middle of the day.

From the window of his classroom from his window seat he looked out the window to inhale the fresh air into his lungs. The freshness made his mind clear. It was lunch break and the students were all over at the cafeteria. Fourth on the other hand sat alone in the class eating the lunch his mother had packed. It was his peaceful time.

However his peaceful time was suddenly interrupted by loud voices of a group of boys. From the sound of it Fourth could tell who they were. The group of people entered the room but Fourth didn't even bother to look back at them.For him it was a waste of time and energy.

"That Nattawat kid is alone today again"As his friend Prom signaled with his eyes,Gemini turned to look at the direction. What he saw was something he saw on a regular basis. On the fourth seat of the window side sat a boy alone enjoying his own company.

"Isn't he like that always" Gemini said as he shrugged. Fourth was no stranger to him. Not just in school but he frequently saw him outside as well. On various parties and dinners he attended with his own family. There was once a time when they used to play together in their back yards. But that was long time ago during their childhood.

In this world that works on money the Norawit Family are the employers. With a business empire worth billions,nearly half of the country's economy depended on it. Such a large empire was run by Mr.Intouch Norawit,one of the most globally recognized business personnel.

Along with such a high status in society, Gemini Norawit was all together blessed with the riches,brains and the looks. Studying in his senior year of high school the teenager was a fever dream for everyone of both sexes.

Fourth Nattawat came from a family that run a construction company that had supplied the Norawit Corporation with materials for many years. Thus,even though they were not friends,they weren't strangers either.

"On the basis of your situation,shouldn't you guys be close." Aun said as he nudged Gemini who was deep in thought. "You guys see eachother at school as well as outside school."

"Close my ass! We used to hang out as kids but now,that guy hardly even spares me a glance let alone talk to me" what Gemini said wasn't false. Despite their families being close,the two heirs weren't close at all.

It was not that Gemini did not attempt to make a conversation,but the responses he got alway made it impossible for him to continue. Eventually he had to give up building any friendship with that guy at all.

His friends laughed at the response. The laugh was a little too loud for someone's liking. Fourth formed a frown in his face,turning to glare at the group that was interrupting with his peaceful time. His face made it clear he was utterly annoyed.

None of the boys seemed to have been paying attention to Fourth's expression except the one who was closely watching him. Gemini immediately looked away without holding a second more of eye contact. He then hushed his friends to silence.

"What a rowdy group. Do they have nothing better to do?" Fourth thought to himself before he turned back to his original position before returning to his usual thoughts.

Fourth didn't like Gemini,but he didn't hate him either. The outgoing and loud personality of that handsome heir did not match his serenity at all,thus making him avoid him for his own sanity. It's no denying that Fourth did have a teeny tiny droplet of interest in the handsome heir Gemini,however the reasons to avoid him were more than the reasons to approach him. He was no person who got swayed by his beauty and power.

The school day today was any other. No different for Fourth who did not have anything much to do instead sit on his desk and listen to the teacher. When he came out of class he came out alone,ready to go home. It's not that he doesn't have any friends. He has friends. But just not from this class.

He held out his phone to check the messages his friends had sent. They had agreed to meet at the gate before going to a cafe together. Everyone texted that they had arrived. Fourth put his phone in his pocket and hurried to the gate.

"Fashionably late as always." As soon as he arrived Winny hit his head hard with his bag.
"Hey!It's not my fault Mr.Karn took extra time today!" Glaring at his friend Fourth was quick to explain himself. They were the only people he was loud with like this. He didn't like being wronged when he wasn't at fault but Win liked to wrong him when he wasn't at fault.

"Now.... Now... Khun Fourth Please don't be mad at this peasant's lowly words..." Ford tried to lift up his friend's slumped mood Poking Winny's forehead with his finger. He had always been like that. A calming factor to the chaos of Winny and Fourth. With a smile so wide and pure,a sunshine who made Fourth's gloomy mood shine. He persona was the alternate addition to their group.

"This bastard doesn't know how to handle a joke. How sissy..." Winny poked out his tounge on an attempt to tease Fourth. And it worked! Fourth felt annoyed to the roots of his hair. He braced himself ready to jump on him. Why can't he be in peace? Why does he have to cope with monkeys here and there....

"That's enough Ai'Win.... Can't you see Fourth is not in the mood to keep up with your annoying ass?" Ford spoke for Fourth.As always. If he didn't,he couldn't imagine how the two of then could even keep their friendship. He was the glue sticking them together.

The three of them have been friends since their diaper days. If it had not been them knowing eachother since little,Fourth would never ever consider making friends or socializing. Lucky enough,he knew them both before he knew what making friends and socializing was.

Winny was an heir to a Fashion brand company while Ford was an heir to a law firm. Their parents knew eachother through business and were close,leading them to frequent hangouts and eventually being close friends.

"My mom wants to invite you both to dinner tomorrow. She got her hands on some high quality seafood and wants to share. Be sure to come." As they sat on the seats of a cafe with a cup of ice cream each Ford handed out a verbal invitation. Ms.Namwah, Ford's mother was a kind woman who loved to cook. This was the third time in a month she had invited her son's friends for dinner. It had become extremely natural for the three of them to frequent his home. They had been doing it forever.

"I don't know if I can make it. I have a dinner to attend with dad." Fourth said as he scooped out a big chunk of ice cream. "Tell auntie I'm sorry. I'll send her some gifts instead."

Ford nodded in understanding.
"What dinner though? There's no major business events coming along any soon..." Winny thought.As far as they know Fourth is usually only taken to meetings that finalize huge business deals in order to train him who was the heir.

Fourth himself did not know. He just continued to eat his ice cream in peace not knowing his peace will be short lived


I'm back!😚

I have no idea where I will take this story but please hang on tight!

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