Chapter 30: Happy today

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In a room that was unusually messy, two boys embraced each other as they took tired breaths while their bodies fell onto deep sleep

It was finally over! Their finals!

And now Gemini and Fourth were allowed to relax. Their face contended as they both knew they did their best

Countless sleepless nights. The two barely had time for each other.

However despite the pressure of the heavy syllabus,the both of them still held each other tight in the end of the day

So busy. Burying in stacks and stacks of books. Maths Chemistry Biology English and every subject that existed. They both did their best

Fourth's homemade meals had been on hold. Their usual home cleaning programs at hold. Laundry was messed and bookshelves were disheveled

Let alone the environment,they both rarely had time to take care of themselves as well. The hurriedly washed hair wasn't properly dried or groomed. The sleepless nights had made their face gloom.

Those days that they had worked so hard shall be answered fruitful.They were confident after all

"Gem! Gem! Wake up! We did it Gem! We did it!" An excited Fourth jumped on the bed making the other who was sleeping on it bounce as well

A month since their hellish train of examination. The results were out early in the morning!

"We did it?" Gem spoke as he drowsily lifted his head and returned back the kiss that was softly placed on his lips

Warm hands embraced his cheeks as Fourth fondly smiled at him. "Yes...."  Fourth whispered heavenly in his ears "we both got in!"

A huge grin formed on the sleepy face. He was confident of the outcome. However experiencing it in real made him feel touched

He looked deeply into Fourth's face and leaned in for a long kiss. "We did great...I love you...." He whispered making the other smile wide.

"We're getting married!"

Both Mark and Ford excitedly announced in their monthly get together. Today they had gathered to celebrate their high school graduation!

Everybody were excited. Despite it being Mark and Ford's wedding,the others were more enthusiastic.

At first Ford's parents were concerned of Ford's too early parenthood. Not just his future but his health and life was in risk too

However Ford remained firm in his head and heart. In the end they had to give up. After all mark was able to convince them pretty well as well!

The wedding was a week before their university starts. Ford would be joining next semester as he had to take care of himself more at these times. Everyone couldn't agree more

Fourth would spend most of his time with Ford. His time was divided into two. Gemini for the half and Ford the other.

Gemini was of course jealous. He couldn't help it. But he was equally happy as well as excited

Mark had to file a complaint to him everyday. Fourth had bought in so many items that it didn't fit in their house anymore.

It was not even their house anymore. Mark complained saying Fourth must be scheming to open a baby store at his house!

Of course everyone laughed at it but if they look at the situation it was serious. And not just Fourth,Winny was another perpetrator as well.

Eventually Mark and Ford got married in a private wedding in a quiet resort that Ford's family owned.

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