Chapter 23: the missing person

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The bell had rang and Fourth was nowhere. Seeing James, Gemini had already concluded Fourth was escorted to his classroom by that handsome friend of his

It irked Gemini to some extent but he wouldn't let it escalate. After all James was a friend Fourth held dear to himself unaware of the lingering feelings his friend buries deep inside.

He trusts Fourth. He trusts his sense of loyalty. And he understands Fourth's unconditional love for his dear friends. And Gemini is not to be jealous of it. He gets his own part of love and feels contended.

"Hey! Have you seen Fourth?" He nudged Mark beside him.

"No. Didn't he go to meet Ford and the others this morning?Maybe he hasn't returned." Mark shrugged.

That can't be. He's sure Fourth is back. Or else why would James even come to their building?

"No. The class will start any minute. You know he's never late to a class. Let alone miss it. Unless he's sick." Now Gemini's getting worried. Is Fourth sick? But he seemed completely fine in the morning.

"Want me to ask Ford?" Mark said taking out his phone and even before he could see Gemini nod he already texted.

"Ford said Fourth had left with James ages ago. Maybe he's with James."

"No. I met James walking alone out of this building." Gemini made it sure. Maybe Fourth really got sick.

He immediately got up and went to the infirmary to check. However he didn't find him there. He went to the canteen. To the teachers room. To other classroom. To every club. He wasn't found anywhere he could possibly be at.

"Where the hell is he gone to??" Gemini shouted frustrated. He pushed back his hair and frantically ran around every where looking for Fourth. His friends spread at every direction.

"Still haven't found him!?" Ford blasted in Mark's ear through the call. "His phone is unreachable as well!"

"The school CCTV does not show him going out." Mark could hear Winny talk from behind. Winny and Prom had gone to the security room.

Gemini's heart was starting to race. It was nearly past midday and Fourth was nowhere to be found.

And James was unaware of any of it. He sat in the shade of the huge banyan tree far back at the school. He put his headphones on and closed his eyes feeling the breeze. He let himself calm.

"Why don't you ask James? You said Fourth left with him. Maybe he knows." Gemini took the phone from Mark's hand and finally hit Ford's head.

"Shit! You're right! I was so panicking that I couldn't think straight!" He immediately cut off the phone.

The ring was a bit too long. James who was listening to music didn't realize the ringing of his phone until he finally felt it's vibration.

As soon as he picked up he could hear Ford shriek. "What the fuck took you so long dude! Where's Fourth?" He shouted

"What about Fourth? He's in class maybe." He said putting down his headphones.

"No! He's been missing since the morning ever since he left for class!"

"Huh?" James immediately got up! "Fourth is missing!?"

"Yes! We can't get to him at all! But he's somewhere in the school! What if he's hurt! What if he's sick!" Ford started weeping.

James had already started running. Fourth is missing! Since the morning! So he's the last to see him?

It made James afraid. It made him run faster and faster. It didn't take him a minute more to reach Fourth's school building and the first person he bumped into was Gemini.

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