Chapter 6: the aftermath

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"Do you think Gemini and Fourth will make it?" Ford asked the person who was eating in front of him. Mark looked up as he heard those words.

"Asking for my opinion?" Ford eagerly nodded.

Mark made a thoughtful face before answering, "If they put in some effort yes,but with the way things are now,no." Ford made a sad face before nodding. "So they will not make it." He whispered to himself

"Don't worry. At least they're friends now!" Mark tried to cheer him up but Ford was far to listening. He played with his food as worry for his best friend spread over him.

"Mark.... To forget someone what do you have to do?"

"Why? Do you have an ex you can't move on from?" Mark formed a frown and looked displeased. Ford hurriedly shook his head and said he just wanted to know but Mark looked unconvinced.

"When you want to forget someone, you need to find someone new. You have me so let's move on...." He sounded serious. Ford wanted a serious answer and Mark's answer sounded serious indeed.

"Someone new for Fourth...." He thought to himself. His friend was in need. He had to help him. But he knew Fourth is stubborn. Nothing he will do will change his mind. He simply heaved out a heavy sigh.

Early in the morning when Fourth woke up Gemini wasn't anywhere to be found. He didn't come back home today as well. Fourth knew who he must've spent the night with. His mood was gloomy already.

When he reached school it was even more gloomier. He saw Gemini and Fern holding hands walking in the school garden. He clenched the straps of his bag until his palms were drained out of blood forcing himself not to cry but the tears were ready to burst out. Why has he been so sensitive lately? He never cried before.

He rushed to the bathroom and the tears started welling. He locked the bathroom door and started rinsing his face to camouflage the tears.

However even in the coolness of the water he could feel where the streaks of his tears still burned his skin. He slowly slumped down into the bathroom floor.

He cried silently letting out heavy breaths until he couldn't breathe anymore. His vision started getting blurry and what he had been thinking since morning was projected repeatedly in his mind making his chest pain.

"Hey! Are you okay!" Suddenly someone came running out of a toilet cubicle. Huh? Someone was in? Fourth thought. However he was too weak to wipe away his tears so he stayed slumped in the ground.

"Can you stand up I'll take you to the infirmary!" The boy said but Fourth was still unresponsive. When it was too much the boy grabbed fourth arms,put his hands below his waist and carried him out.

"Sorry but I'll have to carry you!"

The cool wind hit his face and Fourth woke up from his slumber. Then saw an unfamiliar roof. He looked around to see that he was in the school infirmary.

"Are you awake?" A voice that he had heard before loosing consciousness garnered his attention.

He turned to see the face of his savior. He couldn't see it clearly before but now he could. The boy was of his age,with hair dyed brown,he had a smooth and clean cut handsome face.

"My name is James,Class 2-6. You?" He said as he helped Fourth sit straight up.

"I'm Fourth from class 2-1"

"Woah that's so far.. that's why I had never seen you before." James expressed. Fourth had never seen him too.

James proceeded to ask if he was feeling better and if he needed anything else. He said the nurse had informed his homeroom teacher.

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