Chapter 8: It will be okay

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The night is quiet bright today. The moon that is full shines bright into the room from the glass windows. However it is eerily quiet. It makes Fourth realize how lonely Fourth was

He clenched the blanket He was covering himself  with and closed his eyes to sleep. Nearly midnight but he still couldn't sleep. His heart felt restless and he was sweating. He didn't have a good feeling.

Kachak! Suddenly the front door of the apartment opened. Fourth's eyes opened wide. At this hour who is it? No one has the keys except him and Gemini. Is it Gemini? But he's with Fern...

A theif?!

Fourth's heart started beating fast! He could hear the intruder making his way to the bedroom he was in! It was slow and suspenseful. The intruder made himself known in a subtly terrifying way.

What should he do? What should he do? As his mind racked for ideas the door opened wide.

Shit! Fourth closed his eyes for the worse. A thief to jump on him. Attack him. Make terrific noises. But what happened was nothing of such sort but his nose met the strong scent of alcohol.

Like a gush of wind,it hit his sensory system and spread in his body sending goosebumps. A drunk person?

He opened his eyes and peered in the doorway. A figure stood still and looked at his direction.

Pale and stationary.

A ghost! He nearly screamed but as his eyes got used to the darkness he slowly recognized the face which was dimly visible in the dark.

"Gemini?" He whispered at the person who he had finally recognized. He got up the bed and looked at the figure who seemed dazed.

"Are you drunk? Gemini?" Fourth asked as he approached him. In the dark the other person's face shone. His lips and eyes were glossy red.

Gemini stared at him in the dark before pulling Fourth in a swift mover softly placing his rough lips over his.

Even though he was taken aback, his reflexes made Fourth hurriedly pull away in a mere second. However Gemini didn't seem to give up. He tried pulling on Fourth again,leaning his face towards him.

He forcefully laid Fourth on the floor pressing his lips onto his neck,gradually following his chest. Fourth struggled in his grip but his grip was too strong! He could only shout helplessly as the taller man carelessly caressed his body.

"Stop!Gemini! What are you doing!? Let go! Let go!!I'm not Fern! What the Fuck!"Fourth started tearing up.

No. he didn't want it! He didn't want to be like this!His shouts seemed to have finally frozen the other person's movement.

"Fern?" Gemini whispered dreamily staring at Fourth. He let out a scoff and laughed out loud."Fern...."

"What? Did you go crazy you bastard?" Was he thinking about Fern?It made Fourth's head boil. It made him angry. He had tolerated everything until now but now this is too much!

That was his first kiss! And he was wrongly and forcefully tricked into it! And then he dares mention another girl's name infront of him?

Gemini attempted to pull in Fourth again but this time Fourth forcefully pushed him away. His mind was blank and his eyes welled up with tears that were welling up of anger!

"You're really a jerk! Stay fucking away from me you piece of shit!" Fourth shouted as he stood up and stormed out of the apartment. He couldn't think anything. His vision was blurry. He picked up his phone and ran to the car.

"Ford!I'm coming!" He texted his friend as he started the car and rushed towards his friend's home.

In the dark night the road was still and his car sped through. His tears streamed down  and he occasionally wiped his face to fix his blurry vision. His heart was burning.

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