Chapter 10:another tiring day

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As he woke up with an excruciating headache, Fourth scanned the unfamiliar setting of the room he was lying on.

The bed he was sleeping on was not the softness he is used to. When he straightened he scanned the cramped room which was messily organized.

A brown wooden bench sat on the window with books spread out. The only furniture except the desk was a closet.There was barely any space to walk with even such little furnitures.

"Finally up?" James asked walking in with a fragrant smelling soup and placed it infront of the person experiencing a hangover.

"This is my house,not very luxurious but a home indeed." He shrugged and looked around without meeting fourth's eyes indicating he was embarrassed.

Fourth didn't mean to embarrass his friend. "It's a cute house" he smiled at his friend and complimented his house. The brightness that lit James face told him that James was extremely happy to hear about his home he was proud of.

"How about you wash up? I'll lend you some of my clothes." James said as Fourth finished the hangover soup heading to the cramped closet. "I have no designer brands that you usually wear." He sounded sorry.

It made Fourth feel sorry. His friend was always so considerate.

"Uh... any clothes it fine as long as it fits."

James handed him a white t shirt with light blue jeans short. Fourth thanked him and took a cool shower in the cramped bathroom that was as small as a public toilet cubicle.

As he headed downstairs he saw more of the house. It was very small with little rooms cramped with stuffs here and there. Even in such a messy setting it was warm and felt like home.

" I'll go to work now. Anything you want?" James asked as he cleaned up the table. Fourth offered help but was declined.

"I want to go back to my apartment."It made James' steps halt. He turned to look at his friend. Deep concern laced in his eyes."You know you can stay here as long as you want."

Fourth shook his head. He didn't want to bother him. Plus that cold apartment was still his home. "No. I have to go." He smiled at his friend's kindness. "I'll visit often though,now that I know your address."

To that James let out a laugh "you're welcome anytime."

After he dropped him off,the Harley Davidson that had been calm till now sped off. Fourth made his way back to his apartment with heavy steps and a pain so excruciating in his head.

As soon as he closed the door behind him and entered the living room a cold voice resonated.
"Where were you?" Gemini was sitting on the couch working on his laptop. Seeing Fourth he had a frown in his face.

What does he want now? Just the thought made Fourth extremely tired. He didn't want to deal with this guy right now.

"With my friends."

Gemini's brows knotted even more. He knew. He knew from his friend that Fourth was with no friend of his. Why was he lying to him?

Those were not the clothes he wore yesterday and they don't seem to fit him properly. It indicated he was with someone the whole time. Who was Fourth with?

Fourth was annoyed that Gemini was giving him a skeptical look as if he didn't believe him,but Fourth didn't see the need to answer him. He simply dragged his body to the big bed and slumped there into deep sleep.

When he woke up he was surprised that it was already 11 in the night. What surprised him even more that someone was in the bed with him. In the dim bedside lamp, Gemini was reading a meticulously thick book.

"Can you even see like that?" Fourth's heart skipped a beat at the view. Old habits never die. But he immediately compressed it.

"I thought i'd wake you up if I turn on the bright light." He didn't look at Fourth when he said that or he would be able to see a crease form in Fourth's forehead. What was he being considerate of all of a sudden?

"What are you doing here though?" Fourth did not decide to continue the previous topic. He was genuinely curious as to why he wasn't sleeping alone tonight. "A problem with Fern?"

"As far as I remember this room belongs to me as well so of course I'm here. And what does it have to do with Fern?" Gemini finally turned to him and raised his eyebrows.

Fourth simply shrugged. "Well you always go out at night with her." He said as he got off the bed.

"I broke up with her." Fourth knew it! It had to do something with Fern. So the guy had no company tonight and had to sit silently in his room with him. "....two days ago."

The last line nearly choked Fourth on his spit. With a dumbfounded look he looked back at Gemini who was sitting in the bed with an unfazed look.

What do you mean broke up two days ago? Fourth had just seen them together yesterday! What was he lying at his face for?

"What? you didn't know?" Gemini had no change in expression  as he returned to flipping his book.

"You never told me."

"Well you were never home to tell."

Fourth wanted to throw a brick at him. The one who is never home was not him! He was just out for two days!

And by two days was the night Gemini came home drunk. Don't tell that he came back home after breaking up and decided to make amends with Fourth who seemed like Fern in his alcoholic illusions! Something In Fourth's heart made him twitch and he turned away annoyed.

"Jerk." He made a comment in a low whisper walking to the bathroom to take a shower to cool his head.

If tomorrow was not school and Fourth didn't need a good night's sleep he would've made his way out. However it was inevitable that he slept at home. Sleeping in the sofa was not an option as he didn't want to give up the bed.

When he turned away from the handsome man to face the other side he felt his body automatically twitching in discomfort. He shifted and shifted until he finally realized that this was not his usual sleeping position.

He always slept close to the handsome face. It was the only time they were ever close and the time which Fourth secretly cherished the most.

Even when the other wasn't there he would turn that way wishing he was. But not anymore,Fourth thought. He had to bring changes and get used to it.

He tightly closed his eyes to sleep. The table clock faintly beeped indicating it was midnight. Fourth started to fall into deep slumber.

In dream or in reality,Fourth didn't know,but he felt a warm sensation pressing onto his back and a huge hand engulfing his waist. Who is it? He couldn't think properly as he got lulled into sleep.

Overall it made him more relaxed and he slept well. It was a tiring day.


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