Chapter 29: Worthy or not

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Gemini's head took multiple turns as his eyes followed his friend who was pacing back and forth nibbling on his thumb.

"Dude! Calm down and sit for a while will you?" Gemini took the liberty to speak but was met with a fierce glare instead.

Mark was in no situation to heed his words. "Tell me.... If you were in my place.... Would you be sitting leisurely in the couch?" He was especially ruthless nowadays

Gemini just gulped and whispered a soft no before closing his mouth shut. Just the thought of putting himself in Mark's shoes gives him irrationally deep agony. He can't imagine being ignored and pushed away by Fourth. Not anymore

Gemini wanted to help his friend but he had no idea how. He was not good at consoling people. Actually he was always the one being consoled. And Mark always did the consoling.

Now Mark was the one who needed consoling and Gemini couldn't do the best but he tried his best.

"They've been in for too long.... Has something gone wrong? Is something wrong with Ford? Should I just barge in?" Mark impatiently shook his legs as he eyed upstairs to where three friends had gone to meet Ford.

"What makes you think that? If something had happened to Ford it wouldn't have been this quiet. Just wait for a while. I bet they'll be out any minute now." Gemini tried calming his now terrified friend.

To the speak of devil,from his peripheral vision Mark saw three people descending down the stairs and he immediately snapped to walk towards them.

"What's wrong?? Is he okay?? What did he tell you??" Mark's desperate voice laced with sadness tingled the ears of the listeners.

"We can't tell you anything. How about you go talk to him so that he can tell you everything?" James was the one to speak as he stepped aside to clear the way for Mark.

Mark looked at them hesitantly and they all let out long sighs. "Just hurry! Go! Or he'll fall asleep and you'll end up talking to his snores." Winny was a man of no patience. He pushed Mark up the stairs

After a moment of hesitance Mark finally picked up his feet to walk into Ford's room.

As soon as he entered he saw Ford. Completely wrapped in a blanket sitting up straight in the bed. His face red and swollen. Mark was an inch away from rushing to him and caressing it

However despite his urges he stood nervously at the door. Unsure if he was welcomed. He didn't know what was wrong but he felt like he was a part of it. A part of Ford's ongoing pain

"Umm.... So how are you?" Obviously he isn't fine Mark mentally slapped himself for speaking so dumb.

Nervousness's engulfed him completely and he couldn't even look straight into Ford's eyes. He stood still and fretted in the door way

After a long silence Mark's beating heart's sound was overlapped with Ford's voice. And it finally made him look up to meet his eyes

"What are you doing standing in the door? Come here!" Immediately Mark closed the door and approached the spot on the bed Ford patted on.

He looked into Ford's sad eyes that peered through him. Immediately his eyes welled up in tears as well but he quickly wiped it off. In this moment he had to be strong. For himself and Ford.

"Why're you crying?" Ford asked in a soft whisper

"Crying? Who? Not me.... Umm.... Not me...." Mark said obviously choking in tears. And Ford let out a soft chuckle

He pulled down the blankets from his body and spread his arms. "Come here...." He beckoned Mark into his arms

Mark sat there eyes widened and dumbfounded but he immediately lunged onto Ford and pressed his chest tightly onto his

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