Chapter 5: Friends

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"What are you making?" As soon as he comes out of the bedroom fumbling his wet hair with a soft towel, Gemini inquires Fourth who seems to be busy in the kitchen.

Fourth raised his eyebrows at the obvious question. His mouth was prepared for sarcasm but he swallowed it back. On the basis of his friend's advice he thought of being more friendly.

"I'm making honey biscuits and apple pie." He said without looking at the other person's face afraid he'll do something weird due to his newfound feelings.

Gemini stood there silently. He was stunned. The answer he was expecting was an obviously straightforward and sarcastic answer that would be summed in one word "Breakfast"

Hearing Gemini's silence Fourth decided make the sound. "My car is broken. Give me a lift today." In fact it wasn't. He was just making it up.

Gemini slowly nodded and made his way back to the room to get dressed for the day. When he came back like usual the breakfast was set on the table.

He sat on his seat for the breakfast but to his surprise Fourth sat infront and started eating with him too. Usually he would go get dressed after Gemini sat for breakfast. He always alone and left early.

The breakfast was eerily quiet,so quiet that Fourth was afraid Gemini would hear his heart that was beating like a pair of loud drums.
"Does he think I'm being weird?" He thought as he stole a quick glance at him.

Gemini wasn't looking at him. He was holding his phone and looking at it's content. From the look of it,he didn't seem to be thinking anything. Fourth hurriedly finished his breakfast to go get ready before Gemini finished his so that he wouldn't leave without him.

"It's my first time in your car....." Awkward. The whole tone was awkward. But it was better than the silence that has been piercing their area for the whole drive.

Fourth never initiated conversations and how he was trying to do it surely struck weird to Gemini. He simply shrugged it off. Maybe he's trynna be friendly?

"Umm It is. Nothing special about it." Gemini didn't think much.

Fourth had never made conversations. He had no idea what to say next. In the end he just choose silence as he mentally facepalmed himself.

"Take a cab back home, I have something to do after school." Gemini told Fourth as they made way to their class. Together. This was first time. Never did the both of them ever arrive together.

Of course it made everyone turn to look. People whispered here and there. The contents were unknown but the topic was the same. The two heirs finally seemed to be getting along....

"Shit.... Are you both finally taking off?" As soon as he entered the class Mark greeted him with a wide grin. Gemini knew what his friend was thinking.

"Don't be too happy. His car broke down so I gave him a lift. What's the big deal?" Gemini thought everyone was making a big fuss over nothing. "Giving someone a drive or coming to class is nothing intimate."

Mark sighed at his friend's remarks. "Look dear friend,every action's meaning depends upon the relationship two people have. Like how two friends having ice cream together is seen as hanging out and when two lovers do it,it's a date. The action is same,eating ice cream but what makes it different is the relationship."

Gemini racked his smart brain but his brain could understand everything except social relationships.

"Meaning if you had done it with me it would've been seen as normal but with Fourth,it's different. Since he's your fiancé,even if you look at him,it will be seen as intimate." Gemini finally understood where his friend was coming from.

"Screw it! I don't care!"he threw his hands in the air and then proceeded to lie his head in his backpack softly murmuring. "I don't want to be the only one who cares..."

"Gemini I don't like it!" A screeching voice came out of the cute faced girl. In the class room during lunch break when only a group of rowdy friends and a loner who sits on the window seat are present in class,Fern from another class had barged in.

Her chubby cheeks puffed up and her pink lips formed a cute pout. Her doe eyes had a frown and her gaze was enticingly beautiful.

"I don't like what they're talking about you and that freak!" He said pointing at Fourth who was sitting in the window seat. Fourth wanted to counter her attacks but decided not to make a scene.

"They're saying you both are in love and will marry soon and...and..." her cute voice shook as her eyes let out a pearly drop of tears. Gemini looked at her with concern. He looked at his friends asking for help but they all just shook their heads.

He slowly lifted his fingers to gently wipe down her tears. "You know...people..they like to say anything. But what matters is what I say. And I already told you not to worry. Fourth and I are just temporary. He and I...." Gemini glanced at the guy sitting at the window. He didn't know what label to put. ".....we're just friends." It was the only word that seemed respectful to define them as. The girl put her arms around his back pulling into his embrace. Gemini glanced at Fourth. No reaction. Just the lone back of the person.

Friends. So that's the word he uses to describe us. Fourth thought as he stared out the window. The clouds in the sky moved slowly like his mind.

He felt a pang of hurt in his chest but he absorbed it and let out a small smile. "Well Atleast he thinks of me as a friend."

"Get home safe,friend." Gemini said as he packed his bag and shouted at Fourth. A newfound label he had given to their relationship. It was out of no where but it was now there. He rushed out of the class room leaving Fourth standing alone.

"Ummm.... Friend." It weighed heavy in his heart as he whispered it to the back of the man who was away.


Sometimes,friendship is enough.

I was so busy reading other's fan fictions that I forgot about my own🤣

Everyone are such good writers.🫶

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