Chapter 21: shy is shaded

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"Ummm hi"

An awkward hand wave. An awkward smile. All the confidence Gemini had while texting simply vanished when he saw Fourth's face in real. It's hard.

Extremely impatient, he took off from home right after lunch despite his mom nagging him to stay still noon.

And now he had reached his second destination. To pick up the one he'll continue this journey with.

"You're here!" Fourth still couldn't believe that Gemini really came to pick him up in the morning. He thought he was just joking.

Fourth couldn't help but smile. Sometimes he found Gemini just incredibly cute. "Come in and sit for a while. I still have to collect a few things then we can go." He invited him in.

Fourth left him at the living room with his mom while he went back to his room. Fourth's mom was the only one home. Mr Tarn had gone to work.

"Here. Have some fruits na luk (dear). Go to Fourth's room and share it with him" Mrs Pinkja gave him a plate of fruits and sweets and playfully smiled at him.

"That brat didn't invite you to his room did he? Don't worry. He's just shy" she assured.

Actually it did cross Gemini's mind that Fourth didn't invite him up to his room. But he understood that Fourth might've wanted to maintain his privacy.

"Are you sure I can go Ma? What if he scolds me?" Gemini was still hesitant but Mrs Pinkja pushed him forward.

"Go on. Don't worry. This is my house. Who dares oppose me?" She said as she teasingly shoved him upstairs.

Gemini stood there contemplating for a while before finally picking up the courage to approach Fourth's room.

Gemini had been to Fourth's home countless times but he never climbed up the stairs to Fourth's room. Mainly because Fourth was always coming over or they always hung out outside.

His racing heart as he anticipated his own arrival was undeniably strong. It was a big step for him. He will finally be inside Fourth's own personal world after all. His own little square.

"Fourth.... It's me...Can I come in?" He knocked a few times and whispered but loudly. There was no answer from behind the door.


"Come in!" After multiple calls a reply finally sounded and Gemini was given the pass to enter. He clicked the door open and peered inside.

His eyes landed on a beautifully blue room. With dark interiors and deep colors. The owner was sitting on the bed waiting for him. The look on his face did not show any nervousness but the fiddling fingers did.

Given how organized the room was Gemini could guess Fourth had already finished what he had to do.

"You're done?" He asked approaching the person on the bed. Fourth simply nodded and motioned him to sit beside him tapping on the soft white mattress.

"Ma gave us some fruits. Let's share it together ." Gemini said as he picked up a slice of watermelon and put it in Fourth's mouth.

Fourth was startled but he complied being fed. Gemini stared at the person who awkwardly bit
into the juicy water melon and wiped the water off his face. "How messy!" He laughed.

"You eat it without being messy, then you can talk!" Fourth didn't like being called messy. He held another piece of water melon and shoved it into Gemini's mouth.

Gemini tried to resist but Fourth didn't give up. Wrestling and strangling him until the piece of
watermelon was nowhere but the both of them still rolled on the bed teasing and tickling eachother.

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