Chapter 33: Copy and paste

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"I'm telling you both! I'm just an inch away from loosing it!" Fourth scolded the father and son duo that guiltily kneeled down in-front of him.

Looking at both of them simultaneously he heaved out a heavy sigh. Both of them. No matter how you look at it,no one will be mistaken to know they are father and son

Copy paste. North looked up to Fourth. The huge beaming eyes was no different from the eyes of his father who was looking up at him as well. How come he has nothing from me even if he is my son! Even the temper is the same as his father! Fourth huffed in his mind

"But you have to listen to him Dear. North isn't at fault!" Gemini took his son's side. His voice low and convincing. However Fourth was not convince

Fourth formed a frown as he shot a glare at Gemini. Today,in his day off he had sent Gemini to talk to North's teacher,who had called to meet his parent. He had reminded him again and again to be respectful and solve any problems however his husband ended up arguing instead

"So! Tell me truthfully. What is it all about North?" Fourth said in a stern voice. He wasn't letting off these two trouble makers off the hook easily

"I-I punched him in the face....." North stuttered his answer. An honest kid. However this honesty doesn't matter right now. His behavior does

"This is the third time your teacher called me to tell me you punched a friend!" Fourth sounded upset. He face palmed himself and caressed his face. Sigh!

North was never a violent kid. He is quite naughty but never caused trouble. However.... Ever since he went to school he has started causing trouble here and there

"Our son was just protecting his friend. Right?" Gemini interfered earning a glare from Fourth making him immediately go quite as he went back to hang his head low again

"So why did you do it North?" Fourth asked his son calmly as he put his hands on his shoulders and gently squeezed it assuring him to speak the truth

"They were bullying N'Night!" North abruptly shouted."No one should bully! Bullying should be fought back!" He firmly believed.

Fourth just sighed "But North.... You can't just punch a friend can you? Next time tell your teacher about it!Okay?"

North nodded obediently. "But if the teacher doesn't do anything I will" He muttered under his breath. Fourth who had heard it slapped his soft head

Fourth couldn't say anymore. His son was too set. He just let out a give up smile. "Let's go. I made your favorite cake." He said picking up his son leaving his husband kneeling.

"What about me?" Gemini whined.

"What about you? Don't you have legs?" Fourth shouted from the kitchen.

Gemini hurriedly got up and followed them complaining that he doesn't get enough love nowadays. Fourth was hearing it enough to memorize every word he would say

"Eat up a lot son.... So you can fight more...." Gemini added some more meat into his son's plate enthusiastically. However Fourth hurriedly slapped his hands away. Bad habit of this father! Feeds his kid anything but vegetables!

He took out the huge chunks of meat and replaced them with green vegetables instead. Gemini pouted while North simply ate whatever was in the plate

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