Epilouge: The start of a new story 'Will Always'

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Fourth can't believe it. First he had only one reason to come to North's school for. To apologize for his son's behavior. But now he has two. He has to apologize for his Husband's behavior as well.

Sigh. It feels like he has two kids. Both of them holding his hands from each side with a smug look on their identical faces. He could understand Gemini but his son as well? Why does he have to inherit everything from Gemini? That stubbornness and smart ass stupidity

"I'm really sorry Ma'am. My husband and Son are both very troublesome. How can I even make the face?" Fourth put on a pitiful face as he twinkled his eyes at the middle aged woman who gulped down her constricting throat.

"Uhh It's okay Mr Fourth. I get your child had good intentions and your husband had his reasons. Please just make sure it doesn't repeat again okay?" The homeroom kindly smiled and patted North's head. North made a face but his father was quick to turn him away.

"Then I'll take my leave. Please tell the kid's family that we are extremely apologetic" Fourth said politely as he exited the room. As soon as they were outside he immediately let out a slow hiss

"North! When you're in front of your teacher be polite. You have to respect your elders. Making annoyed faces is disrespectful okay?" He whispered softly into his son's mind. Gemini however interrupted

"But if someone wrongs you or someone you love you should not just make a face but destroy their face as well" Smack If they weren't outside Fourth would've hit Gemini harder. He just glared at him at looked back at his determined son

This kid! Blows away everything I say and takes in every bullshit his father feeds him instead He inwardly gave up. He didn't say it out loud though. He had to teach his kid proper manners. But he knew,if this went on,he'll hear North cursing after a day or two.

"I'll get you when we get back home!" Fourth gave his husband a warning and took his son's hands. Gemini simply followed them with a huge smile. He didn't care if he was to be punished. His life was too happy anyway

"Umm Excuse me!" Suddenly a voice rang out and they turned back even if they weren't sure if it was calling out to them.

They saw three people heading towards them. Two men and one kid that seemed timid and shy. Insanely beautiful but distinctly handsome. He was pretty enough to be mistaken as a girl at first sight.Big doe eyes with pink tinted lips and natural blush. Who were blessed with such a cute kid?

Upon closer look Gemini and Fourth immediately recognized one of the men who were holding the child. A rush of excitement went through the happiness of meeting an old acquaintance

"Dr Tin!" Gemini called out to him as he reached out for a handshake. He hadn't seen him after the last time Fourth was admitted to hospital. However he can never forget that face that treated the love of his life

"Nong Night!" A greeting was made followed by their own son North who immediately approached the kid who shyly hid behind his father. North took both his hands and shook it "How are you today? They didn't trouble you again right Nong Night?"

"They didn't! Why would they?" Tin laughed as he watched his son turn red at another kid's embrace. "After all you scared them all away!"

"So it was him?" Fourth asked eyeing the kid that was named Night,the child his son so much protects. "Is he your son Dr Tin?"

"Khab And this is my husband Gun." Dr Tin pointed to the person standing quietly beside him with a smile.

"Hello." He greeted "I recently found out my son was having trouble at school and before I could do anything I was informed that your son had already come to rescue." He smiled as he bent down to pat North's head. This time North didn't make an annoyed face

"But next time.... Don't punch your friends in the face okay khun North?" He said politely with a bit strictness in his voice. When Gemini heard the tone it reminded him of someone.
His eyes turned immediately to the person beside him who went on to chat with Gun.

I have a feeling these two will get along very well He thought. And it seems that Tin was thinking the same because when their eyes met they were both with the same expression on their face. They nodded politely to each other with smiles

North proceeded to bug Night with questions while the other sat unresponsive occasionally answering in soft whispers. North clung onto him like a sloth on a tree and answered all the questions he asked himself. As if talking to himself

The parents were quite taken aback by the unusual pair. North was never a kid who clings to anyone else and Night was never a kid who lets anyone cling onto him

Gun and Fourth turned to each other and shared knowing smiles.

"How about we hang out together often?" Fourth suggested "Our kids seemed to get along awfully well"

"I would love to" Gun replied with a thoughtful smile as well.

Gemini and Tin simply walked behind completely ignored by their husbands who had found new friendship with each other and seemed to get along equally well.

"This is going to be another long story....." Tin spoke as his eyes trailed at their husbands and the kids holding their hands

"I want to see how it plays" Gemini was excited. "I wonder if our kids will stay good friends like this. I wish they do"

Tin stayed silent and his eyes softened at the beautiful sight.

"I have a feeling they will always"

Will always <NorthNight>

Stay tuned🫶😉


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