Chapter 11: but this is 'begin'

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The morning starts the same as usual. Fourth wakes up like a clockwork in the time he is usually used to. Then heads to the bathroom to freshen himself up. After that his schedule is to prepare breakfast for two. He did it out of habit.

"Let's go school together today...." A muffled voice came from the man vigorously rubbing his head with a towel. Fourth didn't want to look at him.

"No." A straightforward answer. It was an attempt to avoid Gemini. The news of the breakup has spread like a wildfire and people have started talking about the possibilities in the relationship between the two heirs.

Something about that topic seems incredibly dangerous to Fourth. He had dreamt of having Gemini to himself,but now the thought of it does not amuse him.

Gemini was not used to straightforward rejection,however he has been hearing it often from Fourth nowadays. It makes him frown. It makes him annoyed.

Fourth comes to realize the silence that comes after his answer. He hurries back to the room to escape. He doesn't want to spend his time in awkwardness.

The next reason to turn the handsome man down was he already had someone picking him up. A promise made when that person dropped him off here yesterday. James goes to school past his apartment making it easier to access eachother's rides.

When he comes out of the room expecting to be  left alone to eat it surprises him that someone is still seated in the table.

"Are you not going yet?" His voice resonates in the floor marbles. The one using his phone raises his head. "Your car is still on repair,I'll give you a lift."

Stubborn like a rot on teeth. Fourth is used to the other's nature. He simply gives an annoyed look. "I have already prepared myself a ride."

"One of your friends?"


"They live in the opposite direction. Tell them they don't have to take the trouble. I'll drop you there" he got up taking his bag in his shoulders but Fourth refused to follow. If Gemini was stubborn,he was twice worse.

"This friend of mine goes school this way." He says walking past Gemini. Leaving him standing alone in the hallway. He didn't turn back. He didn't want to look at his face.

Deep down he was afraid he'll change his mind.

Quickly fastening his steps because he was sure the other was right behind. Fourth got out the building to get on the bike that had been standing right at the gate. Of course as basic manners Fourth did not forget to greet the driver.

Just like that he escaped the threshold of Gemini. Like a free bird. He was free. In the back of the bike he rested his face on his friend's broad back,the gushing wind roughly caressing his skin.

The rapidly beating heart of his was slowly calming down. The picture of the person in the morning slowly fading away as his mind drifted in the gush of winds.

The whispers in the school was inevitable and Fourth had expected it but the shrill voice of the girl from class next door was unexpected. What was more unexpected was the slap that came charging straight to his face.

"You bastard! It must be you who seduced him!  You slut! Don't you know shame?" The cries were eerie. Fourth felt the burn in his cheeks and the blur in his eyes indicated tears but he swallowed them back.

However pain in his heart was pouring out. He felt hurt. He felt broken. He felt humiliated. The whispers and penetrating gazes around him made him scared. He fears people the most.

Everyone knew the break of Gemini and Fern's short relationship. The reasons unknown. But right now,the girl standing infront of him was screaming all the blame onto him.

Fourth. Fourth who had always stayed silent. Fourth who always kept his mouth shut. Fourth who only wish other's best.Fourth who always hid his feelings. Fourth who never hurt anyone. Yet Fourth who was now being blamed,shamed and shunned. What did he do to deserve this?

"Dare do that again you bitch!" Another shrill voice came from Fourth's back while he stood there frozen. In the back of the class. He had not even gotten a chance to reach his seat let alone put down his bag. He tightly grabbed the straps of his bag biting his lips.

"You're the fucking slut!! you home wrecker!Who do you think you are you leech!!" Ford shouted as he tried to lunge at her but forcefully pulled back by Mark who was stronger. Ford didn't care the gender. If his friend is wronged in any way he won't tolerate it.

However the deed he was unable to do, Winny lunged forward and pushed the little girl down to the floor. "Who you think you just slapped you little pimp!" He shouted making Fourth jump out of his trance. He held the hands of his friend who wanted to do more!

"Gemini ! G-Gemini....look at what they did!" Sobs came out of her red lips and tears flooded down her cheeks as she made a pitiful face. She relentlessly called out the name of the man who had just arrived in the classroom.

Gemini stood in the door unaware of what had happened. He just looked at the scene and came to a conclusion.

"What did you do?" His voice was stern and cold. Fourth felt shiver down his body and tears well again. Being condemned by Fern alone was excruciatingly painful, Gemini had come to add fuel to the fire.

"You okay?" Gemini approached and raised his hand. Fourth tightly shut his eyes unable to witness the scene infront of him. The scene of Gemini consoling the other while he was left to bite his lips in pain.

Slowly a light rub on his cheeks made Fourth open his eyes. "It's red!" Seeing his fiancé slowly caressing his face infront of him his breath hitched for a second. What is happening?

"Tell me Fern! What did you do? Why did you do that to him?" Gemini turned his back to Fourth facing the girl slumped on the floor.

"Whatever the fuck she did,it's all your fault,you piece of shit!" Winny couldn't contain it. The fact that the man who hurt his best friend had touched his face where he was hurt. He didn't deserve it.

Ford had finally broke free from Mark's grasp. Charging straight ahead to Gemini he pushed him away from his best friend's proximity standing infront of him like a firm guard.

"You bastard! As if having another woman while being engaged wasn't enough! As if degrading Fourth to the deepest sorrows weren't enough! You dare subject him to such slanders! Such atrocity when he's been nothing but true and loyal!" As h  he spoke of his friend's sorrow Ford's eyes filled with tears.

He held his best friend who stood there petrified. Slightly tugging onto him to meet his eyes and giving him a firm nod before storming out the class pulling him along.

Winny gave a stern glare to the man who was back to his two feet. Only he was aware of the grasp he had on himself as he fought the urge to beat the shit out of him.

But he had his priorities. His priority was his best friend who now needed his company. He turned away and ran after them leaving the two ex lovers and the spectators behind.


Let's be strong fellas! Tomorrow will be a better day ❤️

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