Chapter 12: Beginning of the end

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"What were you doing standing there like an idiot! You should've slapped her back!" As soon as he closed the door behind him Ford bellowed at Fourth who was still quiet.

Winny patted Ford to calm him down. Ford took deep breaths before turning to Fourth again.

"Look Fourth! This is not you! This is not how you are! You are not weak! You used to be cruel! Bring the cruel you back instead!" He shook his friend by his shoulders. Ford used to complain how Fourth was before but now he can only wish for the old him to come back.

Fourth simply sat on the chair as he looked ahead. He had many thoughts in his head. He was also absorbing what his friend has said.

All he wanted was to be kind. All he wanted was the good. But it only bit him back. What's the point of raising a dog when you can't tame it.

He took deep breaths. The tears in his eyes long gone and dry. He looked at his friends with determined eyes.

"Never again." Was the two words he spoke.

It was inevitable for Fourth to come back to class. He had already missed the first class. Despite his friend's persuasion to take leave for the day Fourth refused the idea. He will not run away.

He entered the class to have them all stare at him. Whispers echoed as he made way to his seat. It was something he has gotten used to.

"Fourth...." As soon as he sat on his seat a voice softly called out to him. He very much knew who it belonged to. He chose not to respond.

"Fourth?" This time the tone was stronger,it wanted attention that it couldn't get the first time. "Ai'Fourth!" Finally Gemini decided to pull on Fourth's shoulders instead of waiting him to respond to his calls.

Fourth turned back with an annoyed look. He sharply glared at him indicating he was not fond of the moment.

"Fourth I'm sorry." The guilty voice was extremely convincing. However Fourth's heart did not waver.

"So you're taking the liberty to apologize. What are you even apologizing for?"

Fourth's word made Gemini go quiet. He had no words to say. He just stood there still. But Fourth was not done.

"I'm tired after everything that happened. It makes me hungry.So? Is your sorry supposed to feed me?" He let out a sarcastic tone. Gemini pursed his lips and stood there silent.

"What? Stop staring at me and go away! Looking at your face alone disgusts me!" Fourth shooed him. He didn't want to deal with everything that was happening to him.

Gemini looked at him hurt. It didn't faze Fourth. Hurt? This hurt doesn't compare to his hurt! He can do worse.

He sat there on the window seat. Like a statue. With no expression,no connection. The changes that came in him for the past few months ago slowly fade. You could see the old Fourth at a glance. It made people scared again.

"Here. You said you were hungry." A hearty amount of time later Fourth heard the voice he had shooed away. A box of sandwiches and a bottle of apple juice. When Fourth looked at the contents he scoffed.

"Mr.Norawit. We have been living together for half a year. Isn't it basic manner for you to know your roommate's allergies. I do not eat onions." Fourth pushed away the box of sandwiches. He couldn't stand the irony at all.

If the teacher hadn't got in he would've thrown some more hot words onto him. But he refrained doing so in the name of basic manners and respect for his teacher.

As soon as classes Fourth stood up from his seat ready to head out. He wanted to escape. The scrutiny and embarrassment he had faced today. He shall not dwell in such again.

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