Chapter 26: desires in love 18+

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"Gem....I'm back!" As soon as he opened the door he called out to let the other know of his presence. And almost immediately he could see Gemini fast pacing out of the bedroom.

Fourth's face immediately lit up at the sight of his love. But his love must be feeling other wise. His face had a grim look and he folded his arms over his chest.

After Fourth left with James almost immediately after getting discharged from the hospital,it left Gemini quiet upset. He tried not to feel that way. But he couldn't help it.

It seems like he couldn't hide it either. And the only way to soothe it is by communicating. Talking to Fourth to prevent any problems this rising feeling might cause

"What is it? Is something wrong?" Fourth came up to press his body onto Gemini and rounded his arms around his neck.

Gemini stood there silent. His face stoic and his arms still folded. He was unresponsive to Fourth's touch making the other frown.

"Gem... talk to me... What is it?" Fourth softly whispered as he looked into Gemini's dark eyes

"Where did you guys go?" The first words were spoken and it left Fourth quiet surprised. Don't tell that.....

"We went to a place where a beautiful memory belonged. We went to the mountain top where the city could be seen dazzling with lights" Fourth answered caressing Gemini's rigid neck.

"So you guys went on a date?" The tone in his voice was hoarse and the heat he was suppressing slowly let loose. Gemini couldn't hold it in. And his body stiffened in desperate attempt.

"Oh no. Gem.... We're great friends! We simply went on a friendly hang out...." Fourth tried to meet his love's wandering eyes. He could feel Gemini tense up.

Gemini's heart was burning in flames at this point. How naïve was his love? "Fourth! He doesn't think of you as a mere friend!" It burst out in a tight rage and Gemini's voice was nearly a shout.

Fourth however didn't flinch at the sight of the burning flames as he holds the power to calm them down. But for now he cannot help but let them rage. For he must be truthful

"I know it Gem... He confessed his deepest secret to me today." He enriched Gemini with truth and it left Gemini shaking.

"But Gem... what could I do? My heart is only for you. For you, I had to do it. I did it. I broke a dear friend's heart. I told him that I love you and I felt sorry. Not sorry because I loved you but sorry because I hurt him." Fourth leaned to press a kiss on his Gem's neck earning a stifling groan.

"So don't be upset.Because in the end.... No matter what.....I return to you... I'm yours. I love you...." Fourth's sweet words of affirmation soothed the burning pain in Gemini's heart and his hands finally loosened.

He freely put his hands around his little lover's waist and pulled him closer pressing him against his body.

He had no fears now. No hesitation. No worries. He was given reassurance. He was blessed with love. And now he flew onto the highest heavens

"Oh Fourth! I love you!" Gemini's mouth whispered the words from his heart as he leaned down to press his lips onto the lips of his love.

"Mmmh..." a soft moan sounded as they both pressed onto each other harder and harder until they were both suffocated in each other's grip.

Softly they pulled onto each other's lips,taking turns in dominance. And the tip of their tongue sensually clashed onto each other finally releasing their deepest desires.

Exchanging salivas that were as sweet as any desert,their tongues pulled onto each other's mouth not getting enough of that sweetness.

They pressed onto each other harder and harder until they were rubbing on each other's chest. Not even air could pass through the little to no space.

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