Chapter 7: A new Friend

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Fourth got himself ready to go out. When saying getting ready,it didn't mean dressing up and fixing his hair. Just wearing slippers and walking out the door.

It was nearly 7 PM and he had an appointment. He usually doesn't go out at nights and ate alone at the apartment. However today he was going out for dinner. With his new friend.

Fourth felt grateful to receive a lift from him and offered him a meal. James cited his already busy schedules as he worked multiple part time jobs. But he got off work at 7 PM and invited Fourth to dinner at his workplace. Fourth simply complied as he did not have any idea about restaurants.

He had thought the restaurant might be but a five minutes walk from his walk as James had said it was near,but to Fourth's dismay it took him nearly half an hour. If he had known he would've brought a car instead.

"You said it's near,that's why I came walking! I didn't think it would be so far!" Fourth complained as he sat in-front of  James. James simply laughed out loud. "I said it's near...but by bike!"

Fourth glared at him. So he was pranked! But James kept on laughing ignoring his fierce look. It made Fourth let out a small smile. This friend of his does know how to make him comfortable. As if they had known eachother for years when it's just been merely a day.

"So why're you working part time here?" Fourth inquired a personal question in attempt to converse with him. James who was eating raised his head.

"Not just here. I work at the cafe and the garage during mornings and holidays.I need money that's why...."

"Money? For what?" Fourth was surprised. So many jobs.Was he saving up for something.

"For my tuition,for food and for my gas money..." Fourth was stunned. James carried out counting holding out his fingers.Doesn't his parents pay for that? He's still a high school student.

"I don't have parents. They passed away. All they left was a small broken house that is livable. Others I have to manage...." James seemed to have read Fourth's expression so he let out a soft smile as he answered.

"Then what about your bike? I'm sure it's quite expensive...."

"It belonged to my father so I'm keeping it as a memento of him. He was a great man after all. I work hard so I can keep it with me. I don't ever want to sell it." James looked determined and it warmed his heart a bit.

His new friend was different from Fourth and his friends who never had to lift a finger. It made him think that James was a special person. Someone who worked hard and was kind. Despite having hard times he managed to be positive and strong.

"If things get too hard you can ask me for help....." Fourth said. He didn't say it out of pity but out of respect for his friend's handwork. James raised his eyebrows and then let out a laugh. "No need I don't want your Parent's money..."

Fourth frowned at the comment. Did he seem arrogant when he offered help?

"I mean if it were your money, I would borrow. But it's something that your parents gave for you to enjoy on it. I will feel guilty." James explained he didn't feel ill of Fourth's kindness.

"Who said I was going to give you my parent's money?" At Fourth's next work James was left stunned. Fourth had never thought of doing that. He knew that James as a person had pride. He will not hurt it.

"I'll work with you so I can give you the money. Pay me back later." he smiled at James. James gaped at him for a while before letting out a smile as well."Thank you very much na Fourth. But I'm managing just fine for now. There's no need for you to do that. Let's Just study well and be happy."

Throughout the dinner they both laughed and shared many stories. Fourth was amazed at how talkative he himself could be.It made him realize that James had amazing skills to entertain people.

It was just a day but James felt like an old friend . Maybe he should introduce him to Win and Ford? That way they can all be friends together.

Thinking of letting James into his friend group made him chuckle. It will be very lively indeed.

"It had been a long time since I had dinner with someone...." Fourth said when it was time to say goodbye. "Thank you for joining me today." He meant it. At the cold apartment eating the food he made all by himself made him quite lonely. Today it was lively again.

"You can join me every day you know... I don't mind." James said as he passed Fourth a helmet. "Hop on I'll drop you off!"

"But don't you go the opposite?" Fourth had come to know James lived at the opposite direction.

"I can always take a U turn."

"Gas is quite expensive."

"But kindness is cheap..."

Sigh. Fourth cannot win him. He simply put on the helmet and sat on the back of the bike.
"Then if Jelly doesn't mind..."

"If it's you,Jelly will never mind."

The cool air blew on his face as the bike sped on the narrow road to his apartment. He looked around at the shops that were lively at night.

"Quite a lot of couple around here aren't they? They say if you eat the noodles from that aunties shop every day with your lover,you will experience a happy love life together forever ..." James started his enlightenment excitingly. He knew Fourth was oblivious to such things.

Fourth let out a scoff. What nonsense is that.
"It's ridiculous. Sounds like a marketing technique to me...." Fourth said.

"I'm not kidding! Look there are so many couples. It's legit!" James wanted to prove his point so he stopped his bike a distance from the shop and pointed towards it.

There really were quite a few couples.Fourth had to forcibly agree to please his friend. However as he looked around the shop he saw someone quite familiar.

"Gemini...." He whispered but he immediately stopped. It was Gemini and Fern. In that noodle shop from James' mythical story. So has he been having noodles with Fern here all his time?

Suddenly Fourth's heart felt heavy. His chances of being with Gemini always got slimmer when he saw them together.

James started his bike and headed to the apartment. Throughout the ride James talked quite a lot but Fourth simply couldn't listen. He just sat quietly until he got there. Then he got off and whispered a thank you to James before turning his back on him with a sullen look.

He didn't even bother look at the concerned face of his friend who had noticed his change of mood.

"Fourth!" Suddenly James called out to him. He turned back to see James standing right behind him. There were so many thoughts in his head that were so loud that he didn't hear James following him here at all.

"Here...." He spread out his arms and called him in. Fourth didn't understand the meaning of the action but he wanted it very badly right now. He slowly circled his arms around James and hugged him. James put his arms around Fourth and gently patted it.

"Don't worry. It will all be okay." James softly whispered in his ears as Fourth felt the tears he had held back stream down his face dampening the shirt of his friend. "It will be okay FourthIt will be....okay."


This chapter was only for Fourth.🫶

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