Chapter 25: letting go

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In the cool mountain top with a stunning view of the city where they shared their first drink at, James and Fourth sat in the same place they were at a few months ago.

They clinked thir beer cans and took sips of cold cooling their inner heat. The warm breeze hit their skin and the sunlight was just right. Warm. Not hard on their skin.

"That time it was a beautiful night. So completely different." James reminisced a time that was not too far in past. "And so were you."

Fourth turned to James and softly smiled. "Are you comparing me to the beauty of that night or saying that I was completely different?" Fourth wanted to make sure.

James let out a chuckle. Such a great conversation partner this guy. He softly smiled without meeting Fourth's eyes "I say both"

Fourth took another sip of his cold beer and looked far into the city. "How do you say that?"

"The obvious thing. You're as beautiful as the dazzling night." James followed Fourth's eyes to a far distance "And at that time.... You were completely broken. Right now you are completely healed. Completely different" he took a deep breath.

A melodic laugh blessed James' ears and Fourth stretched his voice to heaven. "Must I say I'm flattered?"

"I wasn't flattering you in any way. Whatever I said were the truth of my heart." James replied

"Oh James. For what could I possibly ever have  done to receive such compliments from you?" Fourth was still deeply in his laugh. And it made James' heart race in melodic prance

"That I've been wondering too." His eyes now shot low to stare at Fourth's hands engulfed around the cold can.

"If I held your hands right now,It'll probably be cold" he suddenly commented. It made a deep sigh escape his lips "For what could I possibly do to share warmth with you...."

"We share warmth James. We always did. Our friendship never lets us be cold because of the warmth we share" Fourth let out a soft laugh that were appetizers to his words

"But Fourth! What if I tell you.... that the warmth I want to share with you surpasses that of friendship?" It was a moment of time. James had finally questioned.

And it made Fourth silenced a bit until his heart spoke out.


A word that spoke volumes of his confusion and James was aware of the answer he will receive from his questions today.

Finally in this place where they shared friendly intimacy. Today James will attempt to ask for more.

"Let's drop the what if's Fourth. I'll talk about the real thing" James finally meets the eyes of his recipient

" Fourth I like you. To such an extent that it can nearly be defined as love"

A confession out of blue. A moment ago both were enjoying the bliss of their friendship. But now James had risked it all.

Fourth broke off the eyes that stared into his and his head hung low in deep thought. His heart ached a bit at the words he just heard.

If it was any other person, Fourth would've answered immediately. A firm and determined rejection. However with his friend he was afraid to do that. Afraid that the friendship is at stake.

And James shall reassure him "Fourth. Don't worry. Even if you reject me, I promise to be the same friend for you."

"James.... I'm sorry to hurt you." Fourth couldn't contain his best friend's pain "but...but-"

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