Chapter 14: From him

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Gemini POV

I am indispensable.Important.Never ignored.

I had realized it a long time ago. When I say a long time ago I meant when I was a kid.

When I went to a party I always became the center of attention. The birthday parties I attended that weren't mine but I was on the spotlight. Here and there,hands were held out to join friendship with me.

That was when I realized. I will never be left alone.

In the house,at school,at the playground,at the streets. Eyes that always peered and smiles that always had a hidden agenda.

I wanted to be alone. No one close to me.

"I'm Fourth Nattawat."

Until I met him. The person I wanted to have as my company.

I still wanted to be alone. But Alone with him.

In the garden that was carefully taken care of by skilled gardeners was the day when I first met him. In the spring where the grasses are greenest and the flowers were at full bloom.At the age of six.

Hiding in the bushes that were shaped so elegantly, I tried to escape the maids that kept following me.Sitting down on the soft grass I hugged my knees and buried my head in my own embrace.


I jerked up to the sound that had caught my attention. Had they already found me? My time to be alone had come to an end.

"Umm Hey.... Are you okay?Why you crying?" The soft delicate whisper that had me enthralled that day.
I looked up to him with a tear stained face.

Had he not told,I wouldn't have realized. The tears that had come out as a response to the misery and stress too hard for a kid to handle.

I hurriedly wiped my face with the dirt smeared hands to look less pathetic.

As he came closer I finally took a good look on his face. A young boy my age. Eyes as beautifully big as that of a doe.

"You've got dirt on you face. Here wipe it off." A handkerchief that was nearly folded was handed. I accepted his kindness clumsily rubbing the handkerchief on my face. It was obvious I was not used to taking care of myself.

The soft chuckle resonated in the thin air as the other boy held my hands and put it down. He took the handkerchief and raised it to my face.

"This is how you do it."He had said.Gently wiping the dampness he gave a soft smile.

I was instantly taken aback. It was a smile I was not used to. It was a smile I had never seen.

A smile with no hidden agenda. No personal intentions. Just a smile. Smile of kindness. Smile that was genuine.

"Why are you crying here? Did you get hurt?" His face had concern as he scanned me for injuries. I shook my head.

"No. I just feel sad." I told him my heart.

He stared at me for a few good seconds then patted my head with his small hands. Smaller than mine.

"Are you sad because you're lonely? That's why you're crying alone here? Did no one come to play with you? It is holiday so maybes they're just out with their parents just like me." He started drawing conclusions on his own. I let him. I let him think whatever he wants. He's free to do so.

"But don't worry. I can play with you." He held out his hands. Hands that would start out friendship.

I took his hands and held it tight.

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