Chapter 32: sinciere night

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"Are you ready kid?" Mr Intouch asked in a hoarse voice as he patted his son's back. Mrs Tanya was still onto fixing his hair

"I have always been ready dad!" Gemini confidently smiled as he eyes himself in the mirror. He had to make sure he looked good enough to stand next to Fourth.

"Make sure he looks extra handsome....or he'll be totally outshined by his insanely gorgeous groom." He teased his son.

Mrs Tanya hit his shoulders "That's enough dear! It's his day! Don't tease him too much!"

"It's okay Mom.... It's not like he's lying. Por I don't mind being outshined by my insanely gorgeous love. In the end he is mine." Gemini shrugged proudly

Mrs Tanya simply sighed and shook her head.
"You did great na luk. You deserve it!" She whispered getting a bit emotional

"Now let's get you to the altar!" She wiped her tears and hugged him followed by Mr Intouch who dearly hugged them both

"I can't believe you're getting married so soon!" Mrs Pinkja sobbed until her yes were all red and swollen

"What soon Fourth's Mae. Remember we engaged him when he was eighteen! He's twenty five already!" Mr Tarn sniffed with an equally red nose.

Fourth couldn't help but sniffle a bit with his parents "C'mom Ma... Pa.... You guys aren't helping!" He whined

"Umm.... We're good now!" Mrs Pinkja stood to caress her son's forming tears. "I'm so happy for you dear... I love you infinitely."

"Don't forget your father too" Mr Tarn added.

Fourth fondly smiled at his parents and pulled them into a hug. "You look great today! Gemini will be awe struck!" Mr Tarn declared

"Is there a day that he isn't?" Mrs Pinkja laughed as she pulled Fourth's arms and nodded at him.

Fourth nodded back and took a deep breath. He was nervous but it was time to walk down the aisle.

Mr Tarn wasn't lying when he said Gemini would be awestruck. He stood on the altar super awestruck as he watched Fourth walk towards him.

Dressed in a white suit with diamond ear tops and pearl necklace hanging round his neck. He shone between the flowers that rained down on him

Fourth eyed Gemini who was waiting for him. Dressed up in a white suit with diamond studded chains. He didn't realize Gemini could look more and more handsome everyday.

As he walked closer and closer Gemini couldn't contain it anymore. And he burst into tears. He tried looking up and pinching his nose to absorb it but when Fourth came to stand infront of him it all overflowed like flood

As Fourth gave him a soft smile it hit him in the heart. It was happening! They were becoming one! And the sky,the sea and the earth will be their witness.

Taking oaths with outmost sincerity they both couldn't take off their eyes off each other. They promised themselves to each other. Forever

"And now I declare you both husbands!"

Gemini instantly claimed Fourth's lips.

Everyone cheered and celebrated.

Today they were celebrated

"Congratulations! Uncle Fourth! Uncle Gemini!" Lea handed a gift box to both of them as she smiled sweetly.

"Thank you dear...." Fourth said caressing her head and turning to look at Mark and Ford who were standing with wide grins

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