Chapter 24: the found person

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"They told me to tamper the CCTV. I just did as they said. I don't know anything else!" Fern's voice was weak as she confessed and she hung her head down low.

"We're just wasting our time on her! Let's just go to the location!" Gemini's voice has gotten weak. He's loosing all his strength in Fourth's absence.

"Then we have no choice..... I'll go there alone like they wished...." James finally stood up making Fern flinch a bit and met questioning eyes of everyone.

"I'll do the explaining later." He let out a deep sigh and immediately answered their questioning look and followed Gemini who had rushed outside.

"We'll follow close. You both go first." Ford said as he turned went to fetch his car. Gemini and James already took off.

"You wait here. I'll go in myself. Don't even think of being stubborn. We can't take any risk." James warned Gemini who was unusually quiet as he got off the car and walked to a closed alleyway.

It was in the middle of the bustling city. No one would suspect it as a kidnapping hide out with it's vibrant colors and bright paintings.

James knocked on the metal of the only door in the cramped alley. And the door immediately opened as if they were anticipating him.

Gemini closely watched as he saw James disappear inside the door and he leaned his back on the car seat and closed his eyes letting out a deep sigh.

James was left agape when the door opened to immediately lead him on a dark stairs that led to an underground bunker. He didn't expect it to be so dark in a vibrant place like this.

When he stepped up inside the room his eyes fell on Fourth. He was peacefully laid down in a small bed. And his heart immediately stopped.

What happened?

"Don't worry! He's not dead!" A chuckle resonated from behind him and James immediately turned around to face him.

"Uncle!" He shouted at the person who was staring right at him. His heart beating so fast and his pupils dilated. It can't be!

"Wassup! Long time no see.... Satang! Oh! You go by James around here don't you?" He let out a mocking laugh making James shiver.

"What do you think you're doing!" James charged at him furiously however was blocked by a pack of bodyguards who held him back.

His uncle still had the same plastered on his face as he leaned down to his nephew's face and closely examined it.

"Well It's so hard to see your face. And you're so stubborn as well. I had no other option. It's about time after all."

"About time my foot! I'll never-"

"You will!" James was immediately cutoff by his uncle's shriek. "You will.... You hear me!! If not you then who? It's you! And like it or not! You will!"

James clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. So all this happened because of him! He was the root of the problem! Fourth and his friends had to go through it all just because of him!

His chest ached and his eyes now welled with angry tears. His heart swelled when he thought about it. He had hurt his best friend. Made his friends extremely worried! All for this little thing!

"Well I must say you have quite the taste in men!" His uncle approached Fourth and James immediately shielded him.

His Uncle let out a hysterical laugh. "Oh! You're still the same. Possessive and overprotective I see. I'm glad. It's an important quality of the next heir after all..."

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