Chapter 19: here we share our second all

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"I love you Fourth."

A confession that sounded in the silent room. The beating hearts of two people resonated in highest decibels.

A confession that struck to Fourth like a lightning. He was petrified at the sudden words that came out from deep within the heart.

Gemini? He loves him? Gemini loves him? His heart questioned out loud and it wanted to escape it's chest. Beat from the outside and hear it ring again and again.

Gemini loves you! He loves you Fourth! An inner voice screamed. It confirmed his ears. It rang out loud.

But how is that possible? Is this even real? Fourth's thoughts are still clouded.

No way. He fell in love with a straight man. A man who belongs to woman kind. Such a man cannot be his. Never.

"Fourth...Do you hear me? I love you." Another firm confession sounded from his embrace. Gemini could hear Fourth's raging thoughts

His widened eyes told him about his shock.
His uncertainty. His hesitation. Gemini wanted to clear it all away and pave a path for him to follow.

He knew the flames that burned Fourth's heart. He had felt those flames before. He wanted to reassure. Gain his trust.

To do that he loosened his embrace and gently faced the beautiful being of his eternal love. A petrified beauty who was consumed with shock. A friendship that was promised a moment ago now suddenly spoke of love.

"Fourth. I love you." Today Gemini shall tell the truth. The truth of his forever love. His love who he had kept fooled the whole time should open his eyes to truth.

"I have loved you since the moment I first heard you voice . Even before I met your eyes. I have loved you since then. And never did my love change. It remained silent yet unchanged for all these years. Today I finally give it voice and strength I have mustered all this time. Today I give it sound"

In the eyes of his love who was still consumed by the sudden strike of reality he saw changes of colors. The doubt and infirmity finally repressed by the words of affirmation. Fourth finally showed movement.

"Huh?" His voice could only resonate what his heart was dwindling on. Gemini's chuckle made it clear he had expected the outcome.

"Fourth. I love you." Multiple confessions. He is ready to say it again and again. Until Fourth's soul finally consumes it.

He understands. Understands Fourth's proximity. He is willing to wait. After all in his eyes he was a straight man. A man who belongs to womankind.

He understood the hesitation of Fourth's heart. His unwillingness to communicate as a defense mechanism to protect his heart from being hurt.

And he was going to wait. Until the heavily guarded heart opens it's chains and locks for him.

A long silence followed. Gemini was willing to wait. Wait for his dear to swallow the lump in his throat.

A single teardrop from the eyes of his love indicated that Fourth had finally absorbed the truth. He had finally heard what Gemini had to say. He was finally ready to open the gates of truth.

"Gem...." His weak voice quivered as he finally called out the name only he could say and his heart pumped in joy.

He finally knows. Gemini loves him. He is loved. He was always loved. In this moment Gemini asks for his love. A love he rightfully deserves.

He spread his arms and called onto the sweet name of his love beckoning him into the depth of his heart. Gemini gladly accepted it. The warm embrace of his love.

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