Chapter 3:it has come to this

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The day after when the two sole heirs of a construction company and real estate company were engaged the announcement was all over the news. Apart from it's purpose and the duration of being for a year everything else was talked about.

People were ecstatic to see what the future had for both of them. Being born into influential families with great looks,then being engaged to each other,the two teenagers made people ecstatic.Everyone at school talked about it. Even the teachers.

"Here I was asking why you guys weren't friends... that's cause you guys were husbands!" Aun laughed as he patted his friends shoulders.

Gemini turned to him with an annoyed expression in his face. He was stressed enough and his friends weren't helping.

"Fern had finally started to show interest... You went on to completely crush your chance instead..." Mark joined the tease. Fern was the hottest girl at school.

Gemini had to flirt with her as a dare given to him by his friends and he did it earnestly to the point Fern fell rock hard for him. When he was so close to winning,it has now all crashing down.

"Take out them bills my friend...." Gemini handed his friends two thousand bhat each. They cheered and jumped around. It made his heart heavy,not the money but the fact that he lost.

"Congratulations my friends... No more hot girls with plump butt and boobs for you anymore..."

"But he got a hottie with a better body!!"

"I bet Fourth looks sexy in bed!"the more they teased the more annoyed Gemini got. He gets that they like to tease him. But the topic they were using was off the line. He banged on the table expressing he wanted to hear no more.

The strong sound made half of the class turn to look. The guy enjoying his own company gave his attention as well.

Gemini turned to look back at the person who made him the victim of all this teasing. Looking at him annoyed him more so he quickly turned away...Fourth was again back to looking out the window with no care in the world.

However he was listening to the young guy's fate. "Playing with a girl's heart like that as a mere game with his friends,what a horrible guy!"

Fourth was always minding his own business but it did not mean he did not comment on various situations. Given Gemini's  behavior his wall against him was thicker than ever.

He must make sure to stay firm on his knees and never bend for the man who didn't hesitate to break hearts.

"Shit! You bastard! Even if you're engaged,the girls still want you!" As usual during the lunch break the noisy gang came to disrupt to peace of Fourth who was having his lunch alone.

"Well... Blame it on my face." With outmost confidence Gemini rubbed his chin. His friends imitated vomiting.

However Prom rounded his arms around the proud person, "What's the point to being so popular and handsome when the one you're engaged to doesn't even spare you a glance." He pouted to signal towards the one who was sitting beside the window.

He had put on his headphones. The purpose? To avoid listening to the noise of the gang.

Gemini narrowed his eyes to take a closer look.
"He's always alone... I wonder if he has friends...." Mark thought out loud. It was something Gemini was curious about as well. He never saw anyone hang out with Fourth. Not at school at least. It made him curious.

"How about we find out?" He had to know everything about this guy. They were engaged after all.

"Dear friend,are you sure stalking is a good idea?" Mark who hid with Gemini in the bushes whispered at his spying friend. Gemini wanted to know if Fourth had any friends and his flash of curiosity got the best of him.

"It's not like our intentions are perverted! We are not sneaking into a girls bathroom!" Gemini defended their actions to be good. He knew it wasn't good but he was not the type who hesitated to do bad things.

They were hiding behind the bushes at the school gate waiting for Fourth to come. To Gemini's knowledge, Fourth never directly goes home. It's an hour or more after school that he reaches home.

Finally after quite a while Fourth came to the gate. However instead of leaving he stood there. "Seems like he's waiting for someone..." Mark whispered. Gemini nodded. It was the obvious thing. "His friends maybe..."

And their guess was right. Fourth was approached by two figures. They were both wearing the uniform of their school but they were not from their class. One of them was a short guy with pale skin who had a smile plastered in his face. The other was a face Gemini was quite familiar with.

"That's Win...the son of the owner of the clothing brand and....." he couldn't continue as he didn't recognize the other person. However Mark was quick to fill him in. "Shit! That's my fiancé dude!" Gemini turned to see his best friends shocked face. Mark slowly formed a teasing smile. "Hey... isn't it good? Our husbands are close.." That earned a smack in the head.

"So that's Fred Allan's son huh..." Fred Allan was a famous judge. Mark nodded. "Umm Ford Allan,his second son"

"So are you good now.. Your boyfriend isn't lonely after all..." Gemini glared at his friend.

"Boyfriend my ass! He and I will never make it! We'll never be together!"

"So you guys will live together!" Both the sons sat dumbfounded at their family's second get together. Both dragged helplessly by their parents.

"What do you mean live together Por(Father)?" The loud one was Gemini. "There's no way I'll live with this haunted dollface" At the comment Fourth turned to glare at the speaker. "As if I'm enthusiastic to live with a wild bull!"
The energy was heated and they both were ready to snap.

"There...there kids!" Mrs.Tanya thankfully saved to chaos. "Think about it. It is a great idea... a chance to know each other! You guys are too apart to be known as fiancés. On upcoming social season,if you guys behave like this,people will question us! So it is important for you guys to form a good relationship.... Who knows....getting to know eachother better might get you extend the engagement more than a year..."

"Never!" Both were in sync. The idea of being with eachother for a year gave enough headaches already. Mr.Intouch cleared his throat. "We are not asking you for it. You guys  will have to do it. Like it or not. Pack up your bags and move into your new apartment tomorrow."

Seeing his father's strict mode Gemini knew he couldn't complain. Fourth looked at his parents who simply nodded at him.

"Make sure to act like a couple from now on." The command was quoted. Both simply heaved heavy sighs. This is what their fates had come onto.They both eventually agreed.

Living together isn't a big deal is it?

"But the bed is!" Gemini shouted as soon as he took a detour of the apartment.

"Such a big apartment but only a bedroom. One must sleep on the sofa." Gemini demanded.

"Then you sleep on the sofa!"Fourth did not like how he was being pushed on the edge.
He didn't understand why the other was making such a big deal. Only sleeping,what's to be so dramatic.

Also,The bed was so big that even if the sleep together in it, there would be plenty space in  between.In the end both agreed to sleep on either side of the bed with a bolster in the middle.


The both were childish but engaged.


The story is starting to go somewhere......

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