Chapter4:This is for the good

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"What are you doing?" In the morning the first to wake up was Fourth. Gemini entered the kitchen he was working on a while after.

"Doing the laundry." The sarcasm was clear. It was early in the morning but never too late to run his mouth. Gemini rolled his eyes as a response and leaned on the kitchen counter to watch the other carefully assemble a sandwich.

It has been a month they have been living together. At first the both of them were distant and cold. Even now as well,the situation hasn't changed much but at least they had a bit of conversation. They didn't use the bolster as a marginal line in bed anymore.

Fourth packed his lunch and put the breakfast on the table. Then went on to get ready.

Gemini who had already gotten ready ate and left for school first. Fourth could simply complain to himself when he found a messy plate left uncleaned on the table. He cleared things up and headed to school himself.

"So how's it living with your beloved?" Prom who was sitting on Gemini's seat asked the first question of the day. "You guys must be as sweet as Mrs.Jam's ice cream."

Gemini kicked his friend off his seat then took his place. He didn't bother answer him because he was in a good mood today

"Fern asked me out on a date tonight..." when he told the reason It earned cheers from his friends.

The only one who wasn't impressed was Mark. He narrowed his eyes then turned to look at the person on the window seat. "Gem...You're an engaged man now."

"More like imprisoned. Fourth doesn't mind anyway.."

"How do you know he doesn't mind?"Mark's words were pushed away,mercilessly ignored after Gemini enthusiastically chatted with his friends hushing him instead.

Mark was,he admits not a good person. However he was a loyal man. Ever since he got engaged to his current fiancé a year ago he hasn't given in to temptations of any other

"She asked for the night out...Who knows.. maybe today you will be able to score it Ai'Gem..." Aun poked his friend's shoulders with his index finger.

Gemini shrugged with a gusty smile while rubbing his chin acting mighty. "I'll make sure to book a good hotel." His friends wooed at him while Gemini was entranced in his own talks.

It was not like Fourth to constantly eavesdrop however the group was so loud that he overheard everything. He turned around to look at the group with his fiancé in the center.

His eyes met Mark who awkwardly smiled at him. Fourth simply stared at him for a while before turning away.

"Did you fill the bathtub with perfume and drown in it?" Fourth shouted pinching his nose . He was reading in the living space when his nose was hit with an overwhelming amount of scent.

"A nerd like you won't know the magic of perfume on the art of seduction." Gemini walked out of the bedroom dressed up with his hair set.

From the look of it you could tell he was going on a date. He picked up his car keys and waved as he headed out.

"I won't be back tonight!"

Fourth stared at the door from where the other had just exited. He stayed like that for a while.

The next morning Gemini wasn't home yet. As a usual habit Fourth prepared breakfast for two then realized that the other wasn't home. He thought of where the person had gone last night. Thinking of that made his heart heavy.

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