Chapter 22: sounded warning

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"Gem....Gem....." a soft whisper that sounded in his ears. A name that makes the delicate eyelids flutter. Gemini hears a melodic sensation.

"Gemini Norawit!" Suddenly the burst is ferocious. Fourth put his hands on his waist and stared at the person who refused to wake up.

He was done being sweet. If he doesn't wake up by love he will wake up by violence. Fourth braced himself and jumped on the person sleeping in the bed.

"Ow!" A loud shriek of pain was heard as Gemini is so shocked that all his sleepiness flew out of his body like a flash of electricity.

"Ohhh Fourth! What's the deal with you?" He groaned in pain as he woke up disheveled and messed. Fourth simply let out a soft giggle at the handsome man who looked a wreck.

"Oh I tried loving you but you didn't respond. I had to hurt you instead." Fourth said consoling the kitten nuzzling his face in his chest.

"Now Up! We have school to go!" Fourth said as he grabbed Gemini's firm shoulders and pushed them away. "Look at you. If the girls see you like this they'll run away!"

"Like I care. As long as you don't run away." Gemini slumped back into the arms of his love.

"If you keep being like this then it's not late for me to run away." Fourth chuckled at his own joke. Gemini groaned to indicate that he disliked the idea.

"Now hurry! I'll have the breakfast ready on table. Till then get fresh!" Fourth again pushed his love away and got down the bed.

He took the long arms of the other and forcibly pulled him out of bed. "Now go take a shower." He said as he pushed Gemini inside the bathroom and turned to head out.

But he was not able to escape. A pair of big muscular arms slithered around his waist and his back landed on a firm chest.

"Let's shower together." A sweet seductive voice. As soft as a whisper, it made Fourth feel the shivers down to his spine.

"No! I already showered! Now hurry up! Go!" Fourth immediately countered leaving a whining Gemini behind.

Such a kid. He thought to himself. A huge smile plastered on his face.

It wouldn't have taken them long to get ready if it weren't for Gemini's constant teasing. However Fourth's persistent scolding and pushing finally got them to school on time.

"You can go to class first. I'm meeting up with my friends for a while" Fourth patted Gemini's shoulder and ran to the other building right from the gate.

Gemini was left to walk to class alone. However it seems that someone would come to keep him company.

"Gemini!" An eerily annoying voice that Gemini is very much allergic to screeched into his ears. He didn't even turn to spare a look.

"Hey Gemini!" Fern came running to him and grabbed his hands. Gemini immediately tossed it away and turned back with an annoyed face.

"What is it Fern?" He sounded rude. It was clear he didn't want to hold any conversations.

Fern gulped a few times intimidated by Gemini's harsh look however her eyes lit a bit again. Such stubbornness.

"Gemini I'm sorry.... I want to apologize!" She took his hands again and firmly held it. This time Gemini roughly shook it away.

"I forgive you now go away!" He didn't want to hear her a minute more. He simply wanted to run away.

"So are we good now? Are we? Gemini ...." Her voice sounded intimate and she tried to press her body to his chest. Gemini hurriedly dodged her away.

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