Episode-0: All the past

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Hello. My name is Maya. Maya Rajvansh, daughter of Abhir and Mishti Rajvansh. My birth cannot be explained easily as it is a long story. My mom Mishti Agarwal a modern woman with family values in a town of orthodox people. Her way of thinking is not Encouraged in Rajkot, but despite the remarks and criticism she received over time, she learned to love and respect people. Maybe a little too much. Anyway, my mom fell in love with my dad, Abhir Rajvansh who runs an NGO and is the son of the most orthodox woman on the planet, my grandmother, Meenakshi Rajvansh. From the very first time they met, my grandmother hated my mother. My mom has proven on more than one occasion that she deserves my dad and loves him with all of her heart, but nothing fazed Meenakshi Rajvansh.

Meenakshi used all the tricks in the book to get my parents separated. first, she used my mom's biological father and then my dad's father and then she used my dad's half-brother and then my mom's foster sister. You might've caught on to the way I address my grandmother. Yes, I hate her. My mom had to be almost raped and get convicted of murder for my grandmother to finally try to accept her, but then everything went downhill when my mom found out that she cannot get pregnant.

My grandmother, as selfish as she always was, refused to understand the pain my mother was going through upon discovering the truth of her pregnancy chances, so she decided to ask for an heir. My parents got themselves out of this dilemma and tried to adopt a child, but Meenakshi Rajvansh insisted on having a grandchild to carry the bloodline. Her only solution is surrogacy.

Everyone knew this was nothing but a punishment for my mother as she had to watch someone get pregnant with her child and grow in someone else's womb. As my parents addressed my grandmother about how unreliable this is and how wrong it can go, My grandmother believed that if it is someone we're familiar with, everything would be fine. And that someone turns out to be my greedy aunt and my mother's foster sister. The greed to secure a position in the family leads her to agree to surrogacy. Through surrogacy, my aunt gave birth to my brother Amish, but sadly the problems didn't end there. Meenakshi Rajvansh wasn't entirely satisfied as soon she started to pressure everyone for another grandchild. This time my parents were firmly against it as they wanted to adopt a child, but Meenakshi Rajvansh sneakily convinced my aunt Kuhu to get pregnant again. Together they deceived my parents into getting a checkup and went through with the surrogacy. Although this made my parents furious enough to leave the house, they could not leave behind their child growing up in my aunt's womb.

My parents planned on leaving the house without informing anyone in the family after the delivery, but fate had other plans. To this day everyone believes it is a miracle, because soon my mom got pregnant, but as my mom's uterus doesn't support the fetus's growth, everyone wanted to get it aborted. My mother, on the other hand, was firm about having the child. The doctor had to put my mom on strict observation as the pregnancy needed to be carefully monitored. Because my mother's delivery date came out before my aunt's, my aunt grew insecure that her child would not be loved as much if born later. Stupid justification, I know.

My aunt took the liberty of getting my mom on medication to delay the delivery just so she could give birth first, but since my mother's condition is sensitive, everything went wrong. My mother's delivery did get delayed but to the same day as my aunts. Fates have such a way of making fun of people. In the end, I was born through surrogacy first, just as my aunt wished, but only a few hours earlier than my brother Aditya. Due to her deteriorated health and the side effects of the medication, my mother passed away giving birth to my brother.

My mom's death has deeply influenced my dad who left the country with me and my younger brother. He was unable to do so with my elder brother as my grandmother and everyone in the house strongly opposed it. The only condition they had for letting us leave was to leave my brother behind. 

My dad took us to London with the help of Uncle Nishant, my aunt's cousin. Nishant uncle used to love my mother and almost married her, but ultimately, my mom still chose dad. Later, Uncle Nishant married an Anglo-Indian and had a son. Their son Akshay is two years older than me and we grew up together in the same neighborhood. My dad started a small IT business, Mishbir Tech, and with time it has been generating a huge revenue each year. Nishant uncle helped Dad with his start-up and helped us build a life here. Akshay, Aditya, and I have become the magical trio, the three musketeers. The partners in crime. 

Now we are all sitting on the balcony of our house with me silently flipping through The Women's Weekly, while they both are scrolling through their phone. Life has been peaceful so far. I was born with the luck of intelligence as I got to skip three grades along my education which made me the youngest gynaecologist to get a double degree in surgery. I know it's not ideal to study two different domains of medicine but since I could save time being a student, I should learn more.

My brother took a page out of my dad's book to become a Data Engineer and analyst. My dad hopes he can take over the company soon. Even when I skipped three grades my brother was able to complete his studies earlier than me as studying medicine has always been a time-consuming task. I am graduating this year with a double degree in hand at the age of twenty-three.

Being the protege in the field, I am expected to work in the best hospitals in England. There my dream job and top priority have always been Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. The maternity and gynaecology department is thriving in the hospital. It is truly the hardest goal one can set for themselves, even for a protege like me.

On the 14th of January, 2020, my dad, Akshay, and Aditya attended my convocation as I graduated as the valedictorian of the class of 2020. My farewell speech was just as expected of an honours student. That day we had an intimate gathering at home with just my family and Uncle Nishant, where for the first time I drank past my limit. I wasn't drunk but not exactly sober. The next day my memories were vague but my mood was much better. All these years of hard work, sleepless nights, and depression caused due overworking. It was all worth it.

After graduating, everything seemed to be smooth sailing. I contacted Dr. Richards from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham and he reviewed my work on  Uterine leiomyomas. It's basically a hormone-responsive neoplasm that frequently causes heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pressure, and anaemia. In this case, there are hardly any symptoms regarding the fibroids in your uterus. It's common for women to have a fibroid once but it doesn't affect the health of that person much in most cases. But there are cases where these fibroids grow in the uterus and cause the woman to gain weight.

Everything is going well in my life. I wonder if my mom was feeling proud of me up there. I wish she was watching all of this.

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