Chapter-59: The Ring Of New Beginnings.

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Maya peeps from behind the artificial plant while Aditya's breath over her ear irritates her. She shrugs off Adi's hand over her shoulder and turns around with squinted eyes.

"Why are you even here?" Maya asks.

"Because I want to take a look at my future Bhabi. I have only heard about her and you didn't tell me a thing." Maya had convinced Aarti and Amish to meet at a restaurant to discuss their relationship in private without the watchful eyes of either family. Though they agreed to let them have a private moment, Maya just couldn't sit around, especially with Adi babbling about how everything could go south the moment Amish says something wrong. Their relationship is already very sensitive and apparently, Aarti turns into a tigress when she is angry, so Maya decided that she would watch them so at the right moment if needed, she would step in for them.

"I didn't tell you because you are such a tattler, what if you blabber about this meeting in the house with someone? Then this match is as good as dissolved."

"Come on, I don't go around telling your secrets." Aditya defends himself and Maya rolls her eyes in response.

"I know very well how Amish Bhayya came to know of all my hobbies and what I do from day to night. You can just about give my schedule to anyone. And aren't you the one who spilt the beans to me about Ms. Kuhu's birthday party idea? Ah, also you told Amish that I would set the house on fire. When did you ever hide anything well?"

"Come on, I told Amish Bhayya about your hobbies because that's not a top secret and Amish is our brother." Aditya shrugs as if that justifies everything. "And I did hide Akshay and your history from Bhayya." Maya's eyes widen as she gives a light slap over his mouth.

"Shut your mouth, will you? If you had shared that with Bhayya, remember, you're dead." Adi pouts at his sister making a puppy face, trying to act cute.

"Fine, let's just watch them," Aditya says and Maya nods in agreement as they both turn back to peep at the couple sitting at the window table. They arranged the meeting in a remote restaurant, so the room was almost empty and Maya took the table across from theirs which was behind a pillar, giving a perfect view from a hidden spot, especially with the plant blocking the table. Amish and Aarti seemed to be on good terms now as they both smiled at each other making Maya and Adi smile too.

"Aren't they cute?" Aditya suggests and Maya nods.

"Yes, indeed."

"let's take a photo." Maya looks back at Aditya with a smile as she nods excitedly. Aditya takes out his phone and places it over Maya's shoulder to click a picture. "Move a little, Maya. Your head is in the way." Maya adjusts herself a little, stepping on her dress. Aditya's arm lays on Maya's shoulder pushing her down.

"Adi!" Maya shrugs off his arm and trips on her dress as she falls to the ground on her front. Her elbows hit the ground and she grunts in pain. Aditya's distant laughter reaches her ears as she snaps her head up to find Amish turning towards her. The moment Amish hears the grunt and finds Maya on the ground, he stands up to rush towards her. He helps her up and checks for any injuries.

"Are you hurt?" He looks at her with concern. Maya shakes her head as she smiles awkwardly, embarrassed that she got caught. Aditya is still laughing behind her and she looks back with a glare as he laughs even more at the sight. "You should be more careful. What are you guys doing here anyway?"

"Maya wanted to spy on you guys." Aditya blurts out.

"No, I didn't!" Maya defends herself. Amish just smiles at the both of them.

"Okay, let's sit and talk?" Amish suggests and leads them to the table he was previously sitting at and asks the waiter to get two more chairs. "So, what will you guys have?"

"Biryani," Aditya answers immediately. He ate his first biryani after coming to India, and it has become his favourite dish since.

"You, Maya?" Amish looks at Maya.

"Methi Chaman and stuffed Kulcha."



Over their meal, both Maya and Aditya talked with Aarti and got to know her better. Aarti was now a senior journalist in her team and she works at Bharat Times. She mainly covers various political news and the rest of the information that Aarti gave went right over their heads. Neither Maya nor Adi were really much aware of politics let alone journalism. So they slid back to lighter topics.

"You have such long beautiful hair. How did you manage to grow it?" Maya asks, unable to keep the question to herself. Aarti chuckles at Maya as the latter smiles awkwardly.

"I don't know. I never had short hair. My mom never allowed for a haircut and I only ever trimmed my hair a little, but it could also be genes cause my mom had long hair too when she was young."

"I wish I could grow my hair like that."

"Then let your hair grow. I see you have medium-length hair and it looks healthy. It can grow."

"The problem is, I don't have the time or the dedication to take care of my hair. With all the assignments and the hectic schedule, I can't grow my hair. It will need a lot of grooming."

"Hmmmm." Aarti nods in understanding. "I heard the medical field is exhausting. One of my friends is a general surgeon and I have never seen her dress properly. She claims that she has no time or energy to groom herself. But you seem to dress well." Aarti compliments Maya as she looks down at the light blue sleeveless Kurta and Palazzo she's wearing. This was also another dress Ranav selected for her 3 months ago.

"Well, I can't really take the compliment, as my friend was the one who selected this for me."

"Friend?" Both Aditya and Amish perk up as they couldn't configure how Maya could have any other friends that they were not aware of. Aditya knows it can't be Akshay because Akshay doesn't do such stuff. Akshay is mostly busy and has a bad taste himself so who else might help Maya pick out her dresses? Even more, who would Maya allow to select a dress for her?

"Friend." Maya declares, not really answering their question as Aarti looks at the brothers in amusement.

"Why are you being so overprotective?" Aarti asks.

"No, I am not." Both of them answer at the same time, surprising themselves. They look at each other wide-eyed before all four of them burst out in laughter.

As their laughter subsides, Amish looks at Aarti with a smile. Aarti's cheeks are flushed from laughing so much and her glassy eyes meet Amish's as she returns the smile. Amish places his hand over Aarti's as he speaks.

"Everything is going to be alright." Maya looks at them and slowly pulls out the small box she brought along with her. She had been waiting for the right moment to give this to Amish and now is the moment. Maya places the box in Amish's hand under the table as he looks at her, confused. He opens the box and looks inside to find a platinum ring. Not just any ring, but the engagement ring that their Dad gave to their Mom. It was the same ring that Amish gave to Maya and it was the same ring that Maya wanted Amish's soulmate to wear.

"If anyone deserves this ring, she should not just be your wife, she should be someone who holds your heart. It's the only way we can respect the love with which Dad put this ring on Mom's finger." Maya repeats her words from the day when Amish gave her that ring and Maya asked him to take back the ring when he finds the right one. "Remember?" Amish smiles at Maya, and tears well up in his eyes. He blinks them away as he confidently places the box on top of the table and takes Aarti's hand.

"I realized I never asked you. Will you marry me, Aarti?" Amish opens the box to reveal the monumental ring and Aarti cups her mouth with both her hands, amazed by the beautiful ring and the man who held it. Aarti nods fervently, urging Amish to slowly put the ring on her finger. Amish felt as if a weight had been lifted off his heart at the sight of Aarti smiling at the ring on her finger. He looks at Maya and mouths at her. Thank you.


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