Chapter-58: Promise Is Important, But You Are Valuable.

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Time stood still as Maya nodded and Akshay could feel his heart drop at her response. She said yes. A wave of euphoria surged through him, washing away any lingering doubts or fears. At that moment, he felt an overwhelming sense of relief flood through him, like a dam breaking and releasing pent-up emotions. The knot of tension that had been coiled tightly in his chest dissolved, leaving behind a profound sense of contentment. He didn't question further as he leapt forward, wrapping his arms around Maya and tightly pulling her into an embrace.

"I promise, I will always be with you." He said into her neck. Maya silently smiled, trusting every word he said and every promise he made. "You know what." Akshay pulled away as he rubbed at his eyes and tried to put together his dishevelled appearance. "I will call Mom right away."

"Wait!" Maya stops Akshay midway as he puts his hand forward to get his phone, which is lying on the bedside table. "Not yet. We need to talk with people here first. I have to discuss with my brothers."

"Sure!" Akshay said, unable to contain his joy as he smiled at her, nodding his head briskly. "I will go back and take a shower. I shouldn't have drunk."

"So, now you regret, huh?" Akshay smiles at her as he stands to leave but he pauses at the door. He turns around with a hesitant smile but then walks back towards Maya and places a soft kiss on Maya's forehead, surprising both of them and leaves quickly. After Akshay leaves, Maya is left with her own thoughts and her smile dissipates with each thought that intrudes her mind. How was she supposed to break this news to her family? How can she manage everything? Was she ready for this marriage? Was she right to say yes? But there is only one thing that assures her throughout. Akshay's smile as she said yes and his promise to give her a happy family. She has always trusted Akshay and she will do so in the future too.


When Maya told her brothers her decision, Amish was stunned into silence while Aditya pulled her aside to berate her on how she was not thinking this through.

"I cannot stop you from making your decisions, Mayu. But I hope you know what you are doing. I hope you're not doing this because you feel indebted." That is what Aditya said. Amish didn't say a word as he left the room and since then he did not say a word to Maya.

Maya was supposed to go to the hospital for her shift after lunch with Kundras but since Akshay created a scene in front of everyone she had to call in for a leave and stay back. After Akshay passed out in her room she came out to see if the Kundra's had left which they did but then she looked around and noticed that Ranav was nowhere to be found. It never ceases to surprise Maya that she, who never had friends other than Akshay and is always cautious with everyone, had really made friends with Ranav so quickly. She somehow always felt natural to spill everything to him, which is odd. When Ranav left for Kasauli, Maya realised just how much she cared for her strange friend. She had never felt that she lacked friends even when she was alone at home while Adi went to hang out with his friends and Akshay buried himself in work, but after she met Ranav, he took up a huge space in her little friends' circle. It is probably because of that that she wanted to talk to him about her decision on Akshay's proposal.

It wasn't until late at night that she finally caught Amish sitting by the fountain in front of their house, deep in thought. She walked up to him and sat by his side as he looked at her briefly before turning to look at the plants in their garden.

"The flowers are beautiful and lively, aren't they?" He asks. Maya follows his gaze to the rose plants in their garden and nods.

"Yes, they are beautiful."

"They are beautiful because they are protected, nourished and well taken care of." Maya nods in understanding. "Tomorrow they will be taken away as an offering to god. Even so, knowing that they will be plucked out we still water them and take care of them anyway. We wish they grow beautifully and stay unharmed by the weather. Just like how we know we have to send off our daughters and sisters to another family one day, but we still love and care for them so that they stay beautiful and well taken care of."

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