Chapter-46: A Moment That Passed.

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Maya knocks on Akshay's door, carrying a tray of snacks. Akshay returned that morning from Mumbai after such a long time. After returning he didn't even talk to her once, but Maya could not complain because it had always been this way. Akshay goes into a different zone when he's busy with work and Maya has grown used to it by now. Akshay is a hot and cold person. One minute, he will have all the time in the world for you and the next he'll be too busy to even care.  Maya knows that even if doesn't look like he does, he cares a lot. It's just that his priority has always been work.

Akshay opens the door to Maya. After a tiring day, looking at Maya is the best thing that could happen for Akshay. He was so consumed by the documents that he barely said anything to her since morning. Now that he looked at her standing in front of him, with a tray in her hand filled with delicious food. If this is not the best way to end the day, then what is? He invited her in and she placed the tray on his desk, sitting down.

"Hmm. I smell something delicious."

"Here, this is Moong Dal Pakoda and this is Besan Chilla with curd. Trademark Rajasthani food." Akshay sat down beside Maya as he dug into his food with a smile. Maya looks at his dark circles as she wonders how stressed he has been recently.

"How is it?" Akshay looks at her with his eyes wide.

"Nothing short of heaven." Maya shakes her head at how ingenious he sounded. 

"Don't exaggerate."

"No, really. Maybe it's because I didn't have homemade food in a while that these taste so good, but they do."

"Fine. Have at it, then." Maya says and goes silent.

"Have one. Here." Akshay takes a Pakoda and feeds Maya. Maya looked at Akshay in surprise as he moved closer to her. Akshay placed his arm on the backrest of Maya's chair, his hand gracing her shoulder. Akshay pushed this chair closer to Maya as his heart raced at their proximity. He had never been this close to Maya, especially not with the intent of what he had in his mind. Since that day on the trip when he found Ranav looking at Maya, Akshay was all but insecure with what he saw there. Ranav's eyes held something that weakened Akshay's resolve to confess to Maya. The lost look on Ranav's and with the intensity which he looked at Maya pushed him into thinking that his love was still not enough. Can he ever love Maya enough? His insecurity has grown with each day he spent apart from her. Maybe it was because of that insecurity that he refused to let things be between him and Maya. Maybe, that's what pushed him to not hold back anymore. Maybe in the absence of the man who could potentially be his rival, he could unfold his out story with Maya and finally make a move. All these thoughts swarmed his head as he inched closer to Maya. Every speck of distance he covered between them encouraged him to go even closer. He looked at Maya's lips, a weird sensation contrasting his chest. His arm on her chair grazed her shoulder and Maya jerked back as if she snapped from the spell. Quickly Maya stood up to leave. Before Akshay can conjure up any reason or even an apology for what happened, Maya beats a hasty retreat out of the room and Akshay is left in a deplorable state. 

Akshay knocked down the books placed on the desk, and they fell to the ground bringing the food down along with them. As the plates clattered on the floor, Akshay tried to take deep breaths, not understanding why Maya pulled away or why it felt so painful she did. He never made an attempt to physically get closer to Maya, but he never expected her reaction to the proximity to be so unwelcoming. It reminded him of the time in college when a guy named Nick dropped Maya at her home and Akshay saw them. Maya was clear that they were just friends when he asked her, but he could never feel relaxed. He was so agitated whenever she went to college and came home late. Every day, he waited at her house until she got home before he went back home.

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