Chapter-62: A Hot Bowl Of Comfort.

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Comfort is such a luxury in life. Some may have a lot of materialistic wealth yet feel out of place in what can only be dreamt of by those who can't afford as much. At the same time, some may find comfort in things that are deemed not worth much but can ease your mind from those dark thoughts that fill your head. Comfort is a luxury that can only be determined by your own worth.

Maya lies in her bed, her eyes open, staring at the ceiling of her room-the room given to her. Technically this was her mother and Ms. Kuhu's room. When Varsha suggested that she stay in this room, Maya wanted to decline because she couldn't handle the fact that this room was where all the problems between the two sisters began. Even after sharing such an intimate space for such a long time, Ms. Kuhu held such a deep disdain for her mother. So much so that she made it cost Mishti's life. Maheswari Sadan is indeed quieter than her home. So silent that her thoughts were loud enough to occupy her sleep.

Maya failed to fall asleep after trying for hours. She should rest, both because she had a tiring day and because tomorrow is a big day. Since things have escalated this far, Maya can't implement her plan as she had thought originally, so she decided to file an FIR against Rishab. Even though she has no evidence to prove his infidelity yet, she at least has concrete evidence of domestic violence. This should be enough for the divorce and to keep a hold on the custody of the child as well, but Maya worried that this would not be enough to keep him in jail unless she got something from Dr. Lisa's side. Please, get caught, Rishab.

Suddenly, a faint growling sound fills the room, reminding Maya that she's hungry. Since she didn't have lunch, Akshay made sure she ate but that was in the evening, and now that she couldn't fall asleep, her stomach persistently demanded food. This is the first time she's staying overnight in her mother's childhood house, that too in her room. This eerie feeling didn't help her get to sleep either, so there was nothing else she could do but satisfy her body's needs. When Akshay called her for dinner, Maya strongly declined, saying that she had too much in the evening and that she would not be hungry. So, there were no leftovers. Maggi? Maya's stomach growls at the thought and her tastebuds respond too. She usually does not indulge in midnight snacking, but she is so hungry now that she can't resist. She gets up from her bed and walks sneakily to the kitchen downstairs. As soon as she enters the kitchen, the lights turn on, startling Maya. Oh, god, the sensor lights. She walks to the cabinets on the right to find any packets of noodles.

Maya stops abruptly, sensing something amiss. The sound of faint footsteps taken cautiously puts her on alert. The entire scenario seemed straight out of a horror film. Maya clutched onto the cabinet door, too still to make any sound. If this was at her home, she would assume the person is Aditya. Who else would play a prank on her? Certainly not Akshay. As the shuffling sound gets closer, Maya turns around swiftly with her hands still raised. She bumps into a tall body as her wrists are caught in two strong hands. She peeks up to look at the person's face. Ranav frowns down at her with an amused smile.

"What are you doing, Madam Doctor?" Maya looks at him for a long second before she responds, pulling her hands down and out of his.

"I am hungry, so..." Maya turns around to pull out a Maggi packet from the open cabinet. "I was going to make some Maggi." Ranav smiles at her warmly as he steps back to sit on the high stool at the counter in the middle of the kitchen.

"Shall I?" Maya nods and Ranav gets to work. She takes the seat that Ranav empties at the counter as she watches him cook for her. Unlike Maya, who would simply make the noodles plain and simple, Ranav took out mushrooms, carrots, capsicums, tomatoes and some beans. He took some eggs, placed a brazier on the stove and filled it with water. After the water was hot enough he cracked the eggs in it and stirred it around in one direction. With a slotted spoon, he took out the poached eggs and placed them on a plate to dry. He seemed so at ease while doing it like it was as natural as breathing.

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