Chapter-22: The Destined Path?

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A happy life. Everyone wants it but only a few achieve such a life and those who don't will leave with their desires. Such desires take life and change the course of destiny but for that, one's desire must be strong enough. Human desires, however strong they might be are seldom enough to change their fate but years ago, on a moonless night, one such desire changed the path of time. Not only did it change the fate of the three souls but also their nature. One can only wonder how strong could the desire be that it had challenged the almighty's written future, but then again, does god really want his creation (Humans) to walk the path he laid out for them? Does that mean one needs to challenge his fate, but how is one ever supposed to know whether he has changed his fate? How can one be sure that he is still only walking the path to his designed destiny? 


Maya held onto the blanket around her as she emerged out of the fire. The officers already got to work but what surprised Maya the most was Aditya standing among them with a fire extinguisher in hand trying to put out the fire. Her little brother who had been unconscious and weak just an hour ago was standing in front of her with desperation on his face to save her. As soon as Aditya spots Maya as she comes out of the house, he runs to her, throwing himself on her and almost bringing them to the ground. Luckily, Amish and Akshay were still by her side and held them.

"I will kill you, Maya. I will kill you if you ever do something like this again." Aditya talks in a breathless tone but he refuses to pull away from his sister who he thought he almost lost. At the time he felt so angry, afraid and desperate that he could not stay quiet and stand by her side.

"Have your sugar levels settled?" Maya asks as she places her hand over Aditya's head and caresses his hair with love. Amish joins their embrace leaving a breath of relief himself. He held his younger siblings in his arms as his heart finally started to calm down.

"I am fine. I just didn't eat because I was busy. If I knew you would bring down the house for it, I would've definitely found some time to eat." Aditya knew the moment he found himself in the hospital with Amish Bhayya and others that something was off. Even if his sugar levels fell, he didn't need to be admitted as he had his injections in his bag for emergencies like this and when Amish Bhayya told him that it was Maya who asked them to bring him to the hospital he became sure that she was up to something. Maya knew he had medicines and still asked to bring him to the hospital and made sure that Parul Dadi and others were already there with him when he only needed one family member to stay with him and there was no sign of Dadi, Chachi and Maya herself which meant disaster. He immediately explained the same to Amish Bhayya and came back to the house only to be proven right as they stood in front of a burning house. Amish immediately sprinted into the house, noticing that Maya was nowhere to be found and instructed Aditya to stay out as he was already weak. Still, Aditya could not just stand there and do nothing. As soon as the fire engine pulled up he helped them set the station and took an extinguisher himself as they got to work. Maya probably wouldn't have imagined that Aditya hadn't eaten anything, which meant this was not part of her plan and she improvised. For her to do such a drastic thing only meant that she had a strong motivation to do so, which could only be Aditya fainting.

"Maya, you need to explain."

"I will." The sibling's embrace was then disturbed by the people's loud voices as they formed into a crowd. Maya pushed into the crowd to find an unconscious Ranav lying on the floor. She felt something inside at the sight that she could not quite explain, but she ignored it to get to work and check his pulse and called an ambulance immediately. She helped take him to the hospital and stayed with him until Abhimanyu came rushing into the hospital with a concerned frown that didn't go down until the doctors confirmed that Ranav was stable. Only then did his father relax enough to have something to eat and rest a little in the waiting room. Maya left later with her brother after they settled everything in the hospital along with Aditya's check-up and she returned in the morning to check on Ranav.

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