Chapter-63: Unalterable Events.

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When Atul looks at Rishab in the cell, he finds him smiling at them. He can feel the moment that all his rage gathers into the ball of his fist as he stands up and walks towards him before he can stop himself. Before anyone can register what's happening, Atul's hands go into the grid of the gate, and he pulls on Rishab's collar and smashes him into the gate.

"What are you smiling at, you Bastard?!" Atul shouted into his face. Maya immediately stands up to stop the fight but Veer holds up a hand and stops her from going near them as Atul is blind with rage and Maya could get hurt. Veer signals the constable and the latter walks up to Atul.

"What an irony, isn't it?" Rishab says with a smile. The constable pulls back Atul, but he shrugs off the constable trying to lunge towards the cell again but this time, another officer steps in and pulls him back. "I am the one in the jail, while the real people who betrayed her are out roaming free."

"Huh?" Atul says, pulling out of the cloud of his rage.

"Aren't you all her family? But you are the ones who abandoned her." Atul grits his teeth at Rishab's words. "You think Ketki is innocent, that your family is the victim? Don't kid yourselves. You are all the biggest monsters."

Maya walks in between them as she looks at Rishab with a cold, indifferent stare.

"Let's say we are. Does that make you an innocent? Were you not the one responsible for her wounds, those old bruises? Were you not the one who put your daughter in boarding school to blackmail her?" Maya asks, without blinking.

"You of all people..." Rishab says as he scoffs and shakes his head. "You know nothing. You don't even know that all of this happened because of your mother." Maya frowns at Rishab, but she doesn't want him to know she was surprised by his words.

"And does that wash away your abuse, Mr. Rishab?" Rishab looked at her for a minute.

"No." He answers, almost faint like he was talking to himself. "It doesn't."

"Then why do you think my mother is responsible for this?"

"Don't you ever wonder, why Kuhu would put such a dangerous medicine in Mishti's medicines? Why she never went to jail for it? Why did Ketki never talk to Meenakshi about the issues in our marriage?" Maya's face twitches at every question he throws her way. She tries to remain calm but her heart feels heavy. "You can't escape what your dark past brings into your life. None of us can escape the shadows of that past. Mark my words, Maya. You will regret coming to India."

The unsettling feeling that takes over Maya at that moment as she listens to Rishab, will linger with her for days to come.


Ranav walked around his room, folding his clothes meticulously as he packed his luggage. A week had passed since the party and it was time for him to leave this place and find some answers. He gripped the paper in his hand, which contained the address to that mysterious mansion in his dream. He had written down the address just in case the network went off. After knowing about Maya's match with Akshay, Ranav felt helpless, but he didn't dare show it to anyone, too afraid that his feelings would be seen as a sin. Only when he finds the answers to these dreams and the strong feelings he has for Maya can he finally make a decision. Tomorrow he would say goodbye to this place, to her.


The power of a few words can be very ineffable. Every word said by Rishab and the possible allusion in it sits in Maya's mind for days. Ketki got better day by day and her statement was also taken. Maya and Ketkis got this time to converse and the more they talked to each other the deeper their bond grew. They really seem like a mother-daughter duo now and after taking enough rest, Ketki returned to Rajvansh Sadan with Maya. Maya felt an odd sense of peace taking over her, which is probably because Rishab is finally behind bars and her Bua is back in her home. She still had to go to work every day but all the time she spent at home was spent with her Bua. They shared many stories of the past. Maya had tried to convince Ketki to bring back Aishwarya from boarding school, but the latter insisted that Aishu stay in the hostel for the time being.

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