Chapter-60: The Ripples In One's Destiny.

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Before reading, please check Chapter-57 as I made a small mistake. I forgot to add a little detail when Maya agrees to the marriage. Now I have updated it. It's okay even if you don't go back to it as it is just a sentence but it will give more context to what's in this chapter.


Time is a string of events that is apparently moving forward in a direction but many theories suggest that it travels in circles. An infinite space filled with still water's repose would suffice for a good depiction of this unidirectional time. Once in a while the peaceful repose of the water is disrupted by ripples brought in by a lone drop of water, that changes the direction of one such event, leading to a different path until the course of nature pulls it back into another cycle. No individual can determine the direction of their own fate while their actions and emotions lead them to make unknown ripples in the still water of their destiny.

As Prathap held on to Akriti's lifeless body, the scorching fire burning his soul and hers, one such destiny had been disrupted. Not the increasing temperature around them nor the descending death frightened him as much as the thought of not seeing her again. His only wish as he took his last breath was a chance to see her again-a chance to see her smiling and alive-a chance to be in her presence and by her side. Prathap silently entwined their little fingers in a promise to find her through life and death. All the memories, desires, untold feelings and unseen wounds gathered up into a lone water drop that fell into the entangled fate of a couple. The drop filled with his devotion and unwavering affection towards her causes unexpected ripples in their motionless cycle of time as it dissolves in their reality. A curse cast as a manifestation of her hatred was finally lifted to break its last tie under the strength of his undying love. The waves created by this drop of his soul's anguish make their way towards her soul, a journey even she was unaware of.

Maya wakes up, sweat covering her forehead as she looks around her surroundings, confirming that she is still in her room. Yet again, she had a dream or maybe a nightmare, but she doesn't remember anything. A sharp pain shoots through her head and she holds her hand over her head, tightly closing her eyes. As the pain subsides she gets up from her bed to start her day afresh. Maya doesn't realize yet that her dreams are not meaningless and that her connection with Ranav is not that of a stranger or even a friend. It was her subconscious trust in him that led her to tell him her deepest secrets, and it was the intentional pull of her soul that led her to notice him in the crowd. Maya's reliance on Ranav and her constant urge to find him were not a coincidence; it was what her soul sought.

Even when Maya said yes to the marriage with Akshay, there was one sentence that resonated in her mind that made the decision for her.

'You owe me a marriage.'

Maya didn't know where it came from but it was Akshay's voice that filled her head saying she owed him a marriage. Even though she hadn't been herself when she agreed, she trusted Akshay better than anyone to be her husband, which is why she hadn't questioned her decision any further, but with each passing day her head seemed to grow heavier and Maya couldn't tell why.

After Maya had told the rest of her family about her decision, not everyone was happy with it. Surprisingly enough, Kuhu seemed very pleased with Maya's decision while, Meenakshi, on the other hand, kept silent over the matter. Atul seemed displeased with everything the past few days while Parul Dadi was excited for the couples. Kunal, who stayed away from Maya for a while congratulated her and Amish on finding a partner for themselves. Nidhi was already getting ready for the rituals, way too excited than necessary, while Kaushal simply blessed them with a happy marriage. Maya planned on sharing the news with Ketki too.

Originally Maya wanted to visit Ketki to ask why she didn't attend Ms. Meenakshi's birthday party. Since it was Ms. Meenakshi's party, Maya wasn't that surprised that Ketki Bua didn't attend. It was when Bua didn't take anyone's call that Maya grew suspicious.

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