Chapter-61: Ketki's Unconscious Form.

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Maya kneeled in front of her bed, placing her mother's idol Kahna Ji on top of it as she shared everything about her day. The only way she feels like she is close to her mom is when she talks to her mom's favourite god.

"Today, I was able to find more information about Rishab's visits to his mistress. It was indeed as I had predicted. The man was cheating on Bua for a while. When I find more concrete evidence of this, it will help with the divorce and custody of Aishu. Do you remember Dr. Lisa? She has become close to me these days. She has close ties with the management and financial department. I didn't tell her the entire story or that Mr. Rishab is my Phupha, but since we are working for the hospital and the hospital belongs to her relatives, she was willing to dig into the finances of the hospital to find out if Mr. Rishab had anything to do with the missing numbers. When I last sneaked into his computer, I am sure I had seen a bulk amount of differences in the files he had and the duplicate copies, so it is very likely that Dr. Lisa will find something. She is quite righteous, so it won't be easy to shut her up if she finds something." Maya lays her head over the bed sheet as she sighs. "I don't know what I am more worried about. Is it the case with Bua or Adi's resistance to my decisions? No one knows yet that Adi didn't agree to the chairman plan." When Maya told Aditya that in return for hiding things from her, he had to go along with her plan, Adi didn't stop her but he was clear about not wanting to take the responsibility. With such resistance, will he be able to do a good job sitting in that chair?

"I wish I could make him understand that I am not asking to give up painting but only to give it some time. This is a time when we can't give any leeway for anyone to take reigns, not with power-hungry hounds circulating that chair. If it was up to me, I would've given this opportunity to Dad but he made it very clear he doesn't want anything to do with the company ever again and I don't trust Kunal Kaku to not come under the pressure of his mother and wife. Moreover, Adi has a talent for business and he has experience from Dad and Uncle's companies. Though the experience may not be enough right now, we need one of us to fill that role. After the waves that were created by the changes made in the shares and the board of directors subsides, we will hire a professional for the chief executive role and for Amish Bhayya to take over the chair. Until then Adi can't escape this responsibility." Maya looks at the idol, expectantly. "What do you think, Kahna Ji? Will we succeed?"


After yet another dream, Maya woke up with a headache and began her day, frustrated. She took half a day off to visit Bua today, so she got up early and went to work. After completing her morning rounds of checking up on the patients, she finally got a snack break when she found Dr. Lisa to ask if she had any updates.

"He didn't show up at work? Again?" After hearing from Dr. Lisa that Mr. Rishab had taken another leave without notifying the head of his department, Maya's suspicion only intensified. What are the chances that Bua is not taking her calls and Rishab is not at work? "So? Have you found anything else?"

"I am worked up, Maya. I don't think it is Rishab alone who's a part of this as he doesn't have the authority to cover up something like this so well. But who is it that is helping him cover this up?"

"I wonder too. How can this be happening for so long and no one had an idea?" Over the short break, Dr. Lisa and Maya contemplated various theories but reached no conclusion. No matter how connected Dr. Lisa is, she cannot dig into this issue without attracting attention and she can't let anyone know about this until it becomes clear who is behind the money laundering.

By lunch, Maya completes her work and is ready to leave, when she gets a call from Aditya. She takes the call and Aditya's voice fills in.

"Maya, Where are you?!" He sounded frantic and in a hurry. Maya frowned in concern. Did something happen?

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