Chapter-6: Siblings are not a convenience but a necessity.

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Meenakshi Rajvansh is someone that can hardly be satisfied with anything. Yet when Parul introduced her to her grown-up granddaughter, whom she barely met at birth, she was the happiest she has been in the past 30 years. The last time she felt this ecstatic was when Amish was born, but the same can't be said about Mridhila and Aditya's birth as all that happened that day was chaotic. 

As she stood there in silence all she could think about was that her granddaughter grew up to be a beautiful young woman. With her olive skin, big, bright eyes, that cute nose, and those smooth cheeks that want you to pull on them, she can easily picture that little peanut-like baby in her arms 25 years ago.

"Mridhila Beta, you're so grown up. How are you, Beta?" Meenakshi approaches Maya with warm, expectant eyes, but Maya retreats from her touch. Meenakshi is struck by the indifference on Maya's face as she addresses her grandmother.

"You can call me Maya. Ms. Meenakshi, I think I am tired for the day. It is in everyone's best interest that I take some rest before we carry on with this conversation." Everyone goes still as Maya refers to Meenakshi by her name. Never did anyone in the family call her by her name other than her own father. Meenakshi's ego takes a hit by Maya's coldness, but she is quick to recover, convincing herself that this is just too new for Maya and that with time, she will get more comfortable.

"Yes, I think she's jetlagged. How about I take her to my room and we will talk about things later, okay Dadi?"

Meenakshi snaps out her cogitation at Amish's voice.

"Yeah, let her get some rest. Everyone should go about their work. Parul, get her something to eat first and something freshly made to drink too. Kuhu, take care of her room. Amish, you should stay with your sister, get her comfortable, I will take care of your work regarding the company. Don't worry and get some rest, Maya." Maya completely ignores Meenakshi's attempt and walks away with Amish.

"Yeah, I'll take care of her." Amish replies on behalf of Maya. Amish felt as if he dodged a bullet as he walks his sister to his room and makes his bed for her to sleep. Even though it doesn't please him that his sister has to deal with this every day from now, he is confident that he will protect her to his best capability.


9:34 pm,

The bell rings at Rajvansh's house and Maya could hear it from Amish's room. Amish had been staring at her as she slept soundly in his room. His sister is a grown-up now, yet he felt as if she was a child. Maya and Aditya were such cuties as children. He always wanted to be a part of their childhood, but he had to make do with their pictures once in a while. Now that she is right there in front of him, he couldn't believe this is real. Now all that's left is to find his brother. Maya was very sure that Aditya will come here himself, but Amish couldn't help but worry. Maya sits up on his bed, with a drowsy expression.

"What time is it now?" Her voice is clogged with a yawn and he can't help but smile.

"9:34." He looks at his watch, wondering how fast the time went by.

"Aditya is here."

"Huh?" The bell rings again.

"It's about time. I think that's him." Amish is confused but the resolution in Maya's voice convinces him to believe her.

Maya pushes the blanket out of the way and walks into the living room with her breath held. There he is, standing at the door in washed-out jeans and a plain navy blue t-shirt. As soon as his eyes fall on Maya, a small smile appears on his face and the slight fear in his eyes is washed away at her presence. 

"You're here, di." Maya's heart soars at the sight of her younger brother and Kuhu's face falls at the same time. She realizes that the man she opened the door for is none other than Mishti's son and the baby she resented the most in her past 25 years, whose birth caused Mishti's death and clawed her apart from her daughter and brother-in-law. She was made to be the villain of her own children and was left to be the black sheep of this family. She's rooted in her place as she watches Maya hugging Aditya as tears slide down her face. This is the first time Maya showed any emotion on her face and at that moment Kuhu realizes that the weakness of her weakness is the biggest punishment of her life. Aditya Rajvansh is both the biggest mistake and punishment of Kuhu's life.


Days passed with awkward interactions in Rajvansh's house with Aditya soon becoming the pampered youngest child and Maya becoming the time bomb no one wants to trigger. Maya's poker face kept everyone at a distance except three people. Amish, who couldn't help but want to spend time with his siblings, Aditya, who doesn't fall for her cool exterior, and Kuhu, who is willing to try everything to get Maya to like her, which had been highly unsuccessful. Maya tried her best to find a job at the nearest hospital possible but couldn't make her decision on anything. She had always imagined herself working in a prestigious hospital in London, but now that she can't do that, she doesn't know what to do with herself.

On the 18th of July, 2023, Maya finds a pamphlet of a charity campaign being conducted in Rajkot by Birla Hospitals in Amish's office. She asks her brother about it and finds that the campaign is being sponsored by their company. She asks if she could help in the campaign and Amish is more than willing to have her work on this. As she finally found something useful to do, the atmosphere at home eased a bit. She is yet to talk to Meenakshi Rajvansh, who has been oddly avoiding Maya since the first day, but Maya doesn't mind the fresh air that has been left on Meenakshi's wake. Maya wonders how long she has to stay before Aditya is done with his weird plan to bring everyone together and asks to leave but since there is no definite time until that happens, Maya has to work so that she doesn't lose practice.


"Do you have to leave so quickly? It hasn't even been a week since you arrived. I don't get to see you often and when you do come, all you do is work." Manjari says with a soft tone. Abhimanyu had always been a workaholic and Majari had to get used to being alone with Arohi and Ruhi.

"Ma, I was the one who proposed the campaign and if don't overlook it, then who will? It's just a month, you won't realize how quickly the time goes. I'll be back before you know it."

"This is all Arohi's fault. Why did she have to suggest Rajkot of all places? It's 9 hours away."

"Come on, Ma. It's her grandmother's hometown and she knows people there who can help sponsor our camp. It was a good choice."

"Ha, keep supporting her."

"Ma, you're worrying too much. I will take care of myself. In fact, you're the one I am worried about. I heard your sugar went down yesterday. Don't always forget to take the medicines."

"I don't need you to worry about me."

"You're right because Arohi will. Now, let me go with a smile so I don't miss the train."

"Fine, but contact me often. And let me know if you need anything else."

"Sure, bye."

"Bye, Beta."


Hey guys. I forgot what the Rajvansh family business is and if you do, let me know in the comments.


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