Chapter-48: A Weakness For Weakness

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Maya enters her room, enraged by the situation that she has fallen into. She couldn't understand how she could let her brother fall into this pit dug by someone else, and how could Akshay, someone she had trusted and deemed important for the past 22 years of her life, help drag Adi into it. How is it that her loved ones were slipping through her fingers and she had no idea? She collapsed onto the bed, her body crashing into a sitting position as the events of the day caught up to her. She was not foolish enough to believe it was a series of confidences. What she couldn't understand was how her visit to the gallery itself be planned. Just the sheer volume of questions in her mind seemed to ignite a surge of flames, constantly nagging at her will to maintain her composure. She opens the drawer of her bedside table to take out a paracetamol and fills the glass lying on top of it with water. She had only just consumed the tablet when the door to her room opened after a knock and Amish entered taking calm steps towards her. He plops on the bed beside her, placing one hand on her shoulder and pulling her into a side hug. He notices the tablets and immediately he grows concerned for her.

"What happened? Do you not feel well?" A lone tear escapes Maya's eye as she snuggles into Amish's arms. 

"I am fine, it's just a headache." Amish shifts his hand on Maya's shoulder to the top of her head and slowly starts caressing.

"Do you want a massage? I am good at them." Amish suggests. Maya has been overworking herself the past few days, it is only a matter of fact that something is affecting her both physically and mentally. It can be her work or something else altogether, but Amish has no answers and he is not willing to question Maya over it. Maya nods, still refusing to let go of Amish. He smiles at her as he settles himself into a comfortable position without having to let go of Maya and gently starts massaging Maya's head by lightly passing the sides of her forehead. Maya relaxed under the pressure being applied to her head as she felt her previously trembling hands grow still with her increasing sense of security. Amish's hands brought her into a trance of tranquillity, dispelling all her worries as she surrendered to the moment.

When she opened her eyes, she was lying on her back on her bed. She must've fallen asleep at some point. She looks around and finds Amish sitting at the tea table in the middle of her room, drinking what looks like coffee from a cup as he flips through a magazine. Amish turns towards her and smiles.

"Finally, my sister is back on earth. You were out like you would sleep through the apocalypse and I was wondering if I should get a doctor if you didn't wake up."

"What's the time?"

"9 pm." He said like it was no big deal but it was for Maya.

"What? I slept through the day?" Her hand immediately goes to her forehead in a reflex to smooth out her worries but surprisingly, she finds herself relaxed. "Your massages do work like a gem."

"Oh, I already know that," Amish said, looking smug.

"Were you waiting for me to wake up?" Maya asked. There could only be one reason why someone as busy as Amish stayed by her while she was asleep waiting for her to get up. "You want to talk about what happened this morning." It was not a question but a statement she believed to be the fact.

"Are you still angry with Adi?" Amish's attention was laser-focused on what Maya would say.

"I feel betrayed by him."

"How so?"

"He lied to me. Adi never lies to me. And Akshay, he never... never hides things from me. He knows how conscientious I am with things concerning Adi."

"So you are angry with Akshay too?"


"Why so?"

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