Chapter-36: Abhira Sharma.

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With each minute that passed, Ranav grew comfortable with Abhinav. After years of cooling his heels in anticipation of this reunion, Ranav felt that his family was finally complete. Ranav and Abhinav sat in his bed as Ranav went down the memory lane and told his Papa everything about his childhood. Abhinav listened, hanging onto Ranav's every word as he experienced pure bliss looking at his Nikki Ji talking about his time and life after so many years. It reminded Abhinav of how enthusiastically Abhir-Ranav used to talk about his day at school to his Papa and how they both used to laugh at their silly jokes. Abhinav placed his hand over Ranav's and softly rubbed his thumb over it, as a gentle smile took over his worn-out face. His body screams rest but Abhinav couldn't possibly choose fatigue over what his son has to share. Through the fog in his mind that pushed him into darkness, Abhinav filled his clouded mind with pictures of Abhir's childhood as he described. He could see his Nikki Ji growing up with Akshara's love and care. He was sure his son would turn out to be a fine man with his mother's guidance and care. Slowly, he slipped into the dream world and Ranav, obliviously, continued the tales of his childhood. 

Akshara enters the room and realizes that Abhinav is out of it. She couldn't help the chuckle that slips through and Ranav looks at her with confusion written all over his face. He lifts his eyebrows, wondering what his mother finds funny. He follows her face to find his father's peaceful look as he sleeps. He looked back at Akshara and burst into laughter. They both try to stay silent with their giggles as they put a finger on their mouth and slip out of the room as silently as possible but as soon as they come into the living room, they cannot help the outburst of their laughter.

"Has it happened before?" Ranav asks as he sits at the dining table gesturing his mother to do the same. She sits across from Ranav as Ranav takes a piece of apple from the bowl that Akshara prepared. He takes a bite and instantly realizes how long it has been since he last ate.

"Yes, a lot. He is tired all the time so even I rarely get any time to spend with him. In fact, he was awake for the longest time just now. He didn't even bother to greet me properly the first time he woke up. Went back to sleep right away, but for his son, he stayed awake for 3 hours. See? He still favours you over me." Akshara pouts and Ranav smiles. He puts the rest of the apple in his mouth, chewing quickly.

"Of course, he would. After all, his son is so nice towards him, while all you do is scold him over every small thing." Ranav jokes and his tone softens as he speaks. "It has been such a long time, Mom. Just a few hours ago, I was so tense about how he would react to me. And now it feels like everything's fine like it has always been this way. It feels like we went back in time." Ranav takes a deep breath trying to shake off this heaviness in the atmosphere. "Anyway, it must've been very tough for you, handling everything. Did Keerthi help you?" Keerthi was the maid that has been working in their little home for the past five years as it became difficult for Akshara to take care of Abhinav and their home alone. At first, Ranav insisted that they should shift with him but Akshara refused to leave Kasauli. Kasauli was Abhinav's home and their home is where Akshara wanted to spend the rest of her life. Ranav could not push her to do otherwise as he respected her decision and instead, hired a maid to look after his mother, who only looks after his father and not herself.

"Yep, she helped me a great deal, Beta. Now, tell me how was your journey? You went straight to your Papa and didn't even greet your Mama properly."

"Mama!" Ranav moves forward, placing both his hands on his mother's shoulder pulling them close and leaning over her right shoulder. "How could I forget you? I was just excited about seeing Papa after so long. And yes, the journey was smooth. Actually, I don't even remember it. I was so tense and lost in my thoughts that I didn't pay attention."

"Hmm. I can feel your excitement from here. Now, let me make some tea. Will you have some?" Ranav shakes his head and Akshara stands from the table to go towards the kitchen. She turns mid-way and speaks. "I am going to make Kachoris tomorrow." Ranav frowned.

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