Chapter-42: A String Of The Past.

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"Prathab Bhai." I stopped with the lit matchstick in one hand and wiggled the cigarette in my mouth, as Veeru came running to me. He stops a foot away, panting heavily.

"What?" I ask disheartened that I may not get the chance to use this cigarette. I shake the matchstick in my hand and throw it on the ground. I look at Veeru with a clear warning in my eyes that he better have something serious to decide to interrupt my smoking time.

"Faizu and his gang messed up the godown again, and this time, they stole up to 25 Kgs of Ganja. We caught two of his underlings but Faizu escaped." Not only does what Veeru said irritate me but also doesn't surprise me. It has been a while since Faizu acted up and I was expecting him to make a move sooner or later.

"Those stealing bastards! Let's go-"

Ranav shakes his head, not understanding what is going on. Why did Ranav just curse? Who is this Faisu? What was everyone around talking about in this slang? It was as if Ranav were someone else.

"If Father finds out about this, you all are dead meat!" I shout at my underlings who had their heads down, clearly in a stance of submission. It bothers me that despite growing up together with these idiots, I am their boss and I can no longer treat them as equals. It has always been this way. It was pre-destined that I would take the reigns after father and for that moment I had to be ruthless in this field. "Where are the captives?" Veeru, his right-hand man guides him to the back room, which is mostly used as a dungeon for those who disobey. As soon as he entered he saw two men tied to chairs, wiggling fiercely to be freed.

"What a vigour? For people who are so unprotected by their own leader, you two seem to be quite the loyal dogs." One of the men, who is dressed in a red floral shirt, tries to speak into the cloth in his mouth. I look at Veeru, and my right-hand man immediately understands as he removes the cloth from his mouth.

"At least I am a dog with a leader. Your men are nothing but pets of a pawn himself." I smile at the feisty guy amusingly. To have such guts to talk that way to someone who holds your fate in his hands is impressive, especially from someone who is treated as nothing but collateral damage by his gang.

"Interesting. Get them in the main storage. Let's have a session there, shall we?" I smile, wickedly knowing exactly how much joy this would bring Father and the gang. I can choose not to do this, but it would mean that I would showcase my gang as weak, let down my father's legacy of being ruthless and give everyone else leverage to attack our gang in the future. In our field, peace cannot be obtained without violent measures.

As I watched them struggle against the restrains in the main halls as they were laid down on the ground like worthless garbage. I know it is their choice to inevitably fall prey in the hands of their opponent gang.

"Any last words?"

"Tell your dad that he needs a better heir." The bold one in red coughs as he speaks. I smile right back at him. My boys start hitting them as I stand behind and watch it all happen like it was just another normal day. This happens way more often than anyone can imagine. I walk out from the godown to find a quiet place. I take out a cigarette to complete what I was doing earlier. I hear a sound from my left and I turn to see a girl trying to get down a wall. I look on as she struggles to find her footing. I don't plan on helping and it is quite amusing to watch her hanging over the wall like that.

"AAH! I'm gonna fall, I'm gonna fall, I'm gonna fall. Please god, noooo." A smile takes over my lips as I stand, throwing my cigarette for the second time today. I am only helping her cause I don't want her to cause any trouble by getting louder in my godown. I get on my knees and place my hand under her hanging feet. The moment her feet touch my hand, she goes completely still and silent as her weight slowly falls on my hand. The foolish girl still managed to slip from my hand as she got down, so I immediately caught her by her duppata. As soon as her feet touch the ground, the duppata gives away under her weight and she falls to the ground. Her body hit the ground with a thud and I held in my laughter. What a day! I was annoyed just moments ago and now it seems like it was all but gone.

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