Chapter-40: The Journey Of A House To Home.

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The Goenkas reach the Sharma house the next day morning. Akhilesh, Surekha, Vansh, Kairav and Arohi arrive at noon. Akshara, with the help of Muskan and Ranav, helps them in. As there was not enough room for them to stay, Akshara arranged for some of them to stay in Neelima's(Muskaan's grandmother) house. Five years ago, Neelima passed away from cardiac arrest and since then the house has been rented for a while but right now it is empty and ready to use. Until her last moments, Neelima was worried for Abhinav and it bothered Akshara that Abhinav had to deal with this pain as soon as he woke up. Abhinav asked for her as soon as he woke up and after hearing the news, he could not hold in his tears as he let the grief flow in Akshara's arms. It seems that he was able to digest the reality that 18 years have passed pretty well than Akshara imagined. Ranav hugged everyone and when he hugged Arohi, he looked over her shoulder expectantly.

"Where is Roohi?" Arohi smiles at Ranav as she knocks on his head lightly.

"We met after such a long time and all you ask about is Roohi. The last time you came home with Abhi, you didn't even meet me and immediately left for the camp." Ranav gives her a toothy smile and pulls her into another hug.

"Of course, I missed you so much, Masi(Mother's sister). I was just wondering why you didn't bring along that monkey. Did you finally take my advice and drop her at the zoo?" Arohi just shakes her head.

"Actually, I thought about it but you see, every family needs a monkey. Since the Sharma Family has one, the Birla family needs one too."

"Are you calling me a monkey, Masi?" Ranav pouts as he says. 

"I didn't say your name, though. Anyways, Roohi will arrive with Abhi. They'll probably be here by evening."

"Oh. Why didn't Father come with you guys?" Ranav thought they would all come together.

"Actually he was delayed with some work, so Roohi also stayed back so she could give him company."



Maya clicks the send button with a heavy heart. She stares at the mail that she just sent to the Trinity hospital. She has applied for the hospital as an intern for speciality training. The plan played out in her head when she found out that Rishabh works at Trinity Hospital as an equity analyst. Maya felt lucky that Rishab happened to work at a hospital's financial department, which served as an opportunity for an MD graduate like her to get a closer look at his life. Especially with her profile, there is no way they can reject her. Maya skipped 2 grades and graduated high school when she was 15 years old along with Akshay, who was 2 years older than her. She then got her medical degree when she was 20 years old and went ahead with the 2-year foundation programme, which is a work-based training to develop clinical skills for speciality training, in one of the best hospitals in London. After the training, she was offered to continue her speciality training there but she refused in hopes of getting the post at Birmingham Hospital. 

The next thing she does is meet Amish. Amish was found asleep in his office chair. He must've fallen asleep after a long tiring day and Maya didn't want to wake him up. As she was about to leave, Amish woke up from his sleep, startled and confused by his surroundings for a minute. He recovers quickly as he clears his throat and adjusts himself in the chair.

"Maya. What are you doing here? When did you come?"

"Just now, Bhayya." Maya takes a seat across the table from Amish. She grabs a pen, swirling it in her hand as she looks at Amish with her eyebrows furrowed. "Um, About the offer from Birla Hospitals." Amish sits upright in his chair, moving to the edge in anticipation of her decision. "I would like to decline it." Before Amish could try to convince her to change her mind. "But I am not saying I wouldn't work at all. It's just that I have a different choice of hospital in mind and I have already applied for it. I also applied for Birla Hospital but this is not the intake period for them and it is only right for me to respect the rules. As I said, I refuse to get any special treatment, so I want to get an opportunity that I worked for. So, please, allow me to show you that I can do it by myself. Please?" Maya knows that Amish won't force her to do anything.

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